082: Metal (12 of 21)

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  • Dedicated to Jello Beasca

Twelfth part of the [21 Elements] project, inspired by Final Fantasy Type-0 (Reishiki). I'm playing the game!

This poem is dedicated to [John Lorenz M. Beasca], the sword-wielder of the element...



Triad of the heart

The autumn rusting begins

With sorrow's prologue

Will you need me tomorrow

When everyone looks at you?

Your shield is casted

From ores of friendship

Reinforced with steel

That can withstand time

You strengthen the shield

With constant hardship

Pressured tempering

Worked it a decade

You solder the joints

With liquid hatred

And plated with love

Your shield eternal

You use it with care

To protect the ones

You cherish the most

The one in your heart

You did not mind that

You got hurt sometimes

You are always there

When someone needs you

You give them your all

When you defend them

From dangers of death

You equalize them

You work with your soul

Always on the line

You move with concern

And deep affection

Will I need you tomorrow

When everyone looks at you?

Does a sacrifice

Succeed protection

And does it transcend

The constant events?

Does an offering

Make a difference

When it happens once

In a sole lifetime?

Does it ever pay

The pain so long kept?

Does it ever heal

The displaced conscience?

If it ever is,

If reality

Allows some changes,

Then I dare to do

Some crystals are meant

To shatter and break

For crystal dust shines

Brighter than a gem

There is little time

To return the past

And revenge, rather

Make a memory

If regret hurt me

So bad that I died,

Then regret is mine;

The reason for war

Will you wait for my presence

When everyone waits for you?

Do not wait for him

If you do, prepare:

The crystal will come

On the shield he built

Triad of the heart

The shield chills in the forest

The story awaits

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