054: Three Degrees of Summer

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This is one of the poems that was created out of hate. I mean, I don't remember the exact events, but I knew the people that made me boil with anger that day. The first is a boy, then the second was a pair, a boy and a girl, and the third is one of my personal wishes. I hate the first person. He's moody and does a lot of insane things, which I dislike, and to which I hope that he will change for the better (which, by the way, is not happening at all.) The pair became part of my anger because I saw them, which led to the third reason. I don't know why, but my train of thought always leads to the third reason, and then jumps to another of my wishes. I hope this vicious cycle ends.



A vision of the heart was sent to me,

Through a sign upon the light

With Apollo's grace and my destiny's face,

The divine truths were bare in sight

The first was unclear, either far or near

'Twas shrouded in darkened cloud

And saw echoes of rust, piled mem'ries of dust

Yelling through on, silly proud

The second was blurred, peace and rage concurred,

On a dab of fire and rain

And the steel key lay still, upon Her Highness's will

Not to unveil more pain

The third was a forest, greens and yellows attest

To the drop of blood on the stream

And the emerald spoke, and the crystals awoke,

Aye, the gem-filled dream

And no more vision set, a drop of blood's regret

Could wash away a breath

And one fragment directs to there, another spreads everywhere

To the distant lands of death

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