014: I

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This poem was originally an activity given by our English teacher, and the title quite says it all. It is about a poem that represents who you are, who you really are deep inside. Here, I visualized myself as a sentimental person (in other words, “emo,” but not too much), because that’s what I think who I really am inside, although it doesn’t show outside (sometimes, it shows.) Yeah, I know most of my poems are excessively metaphorical, but that’s who I really am; like super metaphorical.



O, I! The cold in crystal war

The entity in frozen clime

Thy heart’s plunged in oceans afar

Like souls whose tears clinging in time

O, I! The flames in tempest storm

The fires that cry in multitude

Thy heart’s distorted, without form

Yet still lives on in solitude

O, I! The gold in shining night

The gems doth flow in river’s hand

Thy heart must go to desert’s flight

And bury thyself in the sand

O, I! The touch in loving will

The soft embrace in chaos rage

Thy life hath gone perfectly still

But mem’ries lay in books of age

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