020: Perfect

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This has been one of my most accomplished and most memorable (for me) poems because its inspiration is like a ton of ideas dripping out of my head; like this has been one of my most heart-felt poems. All of this is because my inspiration is one of my close friends. Yeah, I’m really getting the tickles, like I don’t know why I do things like these, because I’m sure they’ll be embarrassed to see that I think like this in front of them, sharing my innermost emotions and desires to them, like what the heck, why are you doing this to me? Ha-ha, over-explained again, but anyway, thanks to this person who has been the inspiration of this beautiful poem. Anyway, I’ve got like hundreds of friends (arrogantly speaking, not to mention), so just keep guessing, and it might be YOU!!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (P.S. My poems are really getting longer now. :))))))))))))))))))) )



To think of you, it is all kept

All incompleteness within heart

It stays, but now, it must have slept

For keeping is a lonely part

To words I never spoke again,

It seems to bring all yesterday

And doth seem we go back to when

All go to past where we once lay

To acts that once have made us laugh,

Feels going there in little smiles

But now, we don’t think of, not half

Nor go again to thousand miles

To hands that intertwine our dream,

No longer felt to bind a touch

Nor it has gone to, or must seem

But never back in missing much

To books and piles of scribbled words

Which all have been adorned so long,

Knew never of today, of birds

That fly; they seem to all go wrong

To futures that we made ago,

It won’t lead us to anywhere

For never will they to show

Nor will connect our roads to there

To cycles of the novels’ lives,

No, I don’t hear lately of those

It neither sent me honey hives

Or have not given me a rose

To secrets that I have not told

Nor shared, it’s not the same like then

For moments come, and they grow old

Never will they go back again

To friendships that were wrought by time,

Never can they be strongly bound

Nor will they last in frozen clime

For stares will not create a sound

To lovers that have once made fire,

Never will conflagration burn

For empty space ahs quelled d’sire

And nothing comes to make the turn

To colors that I have not shown,

It doesn’t change; not me, not you

But neither will it be in tone

Nor show, for fading has gone through

To rainbows that once glittered skies,

Never will shine from golden well

For achromatism suffice

The sep’rate worlds: heaven and hell

To shadows that have marked our tread,

Never can they be recognized

Nor they be understood or read

For hearts left them unrealized

To things unsaid, when they were there,

They won’t affect the world today

Never will they return or bear

The same emotions they must say

To things undone, if there were more,

I’ve lost them all from where they’re placed

What can I do? What fighting for?

Never can they be all replaced

To moments that I long to see,

Never will they repeat again

Nor will they cast a smile on me

For they are broken, what’s it then?

To you that once helped me in past,

You’ll also go away from me

For all things change, all never last

I wish to feel, to hear, to see

To you that helped me in my pain,

I thank you for the love and hate

For me, it is omniscient rain

And omnipresent hope and fate

To me that once have walked away,

Never will I go back to sea

For you have taught me how to stay

In times when all have passed through me

To me that once believed in you,

Never will cry, nor will I sigh

For you have changed me to be true

And stood me up when I will die

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