003: Tired

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At last, in my history of writing and collecting my own poems, this one is my first seriously created poem. It has meter (yeah, I know), and it also has rhyme. I tried being a bit playful in my common vocabulary, and I did (yay!) This poem is inspired by the notion of boyfriend-and-girlfriend-breaking-up, focusing more on the girl’s part, and putting the scene where the girl dumped the boy for some reason. Cheers for the victory!



I’m sick of not being the one

I’m sick of playing games with you

I’m sick of leaving all undone

I’m sick of you, and this is true

Enough of that, enough of this

I hate your little gossip games

The way you talk, you smile, you kiss

It tastes like poison, curse, and blame

I can’t forget how you threw me

Into my own insanity

I died; I fell into my well

A thousand years, I cried like hell

Well, yes, it’s funny, it may seem

Pretending not to know you’re there

‘Cause living is a perfect dream

With you, it is the worst nightmare

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