013: Hurt

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In this poem, I try to visualize how does one feel hurt about something that’s been broken which was close to their heart. Anyway, because of the many poems I have written, I already forgot what their initial inspirations were. Although I grasp some of them, I am truly not sure. For this one, I think that I was inspired by the fact that some people who have already been hurt continue to dwell on their losses and punish themselves with gradual loneliness.



And curse ye! Blood is not enough

My cuts gone through! Yet numbered still

My heart is trodden, trampled, tough

But life doth flow in loving will

O yes! I see the fires sublime

Her tongues ignite and do send rain

And yes! I feel the crystal clime

Like liquid metal in my vein

O soft! The slings and spears and swords

In twinkling sun, here are to thee!

And tightly bend and tie my cords

And leave with crosses’ company

My water flask has emptied then

But filled it only with my tears

Yet how hath hope and love mix when?

And how do statues stand for years?

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