023: Will

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This has been one of my longest poems (thirty stanzas), and this has a chock full of inspirations, like there are twenty or more people linguistically and intricately written down in words that describe them and express my true feelings for them, but if ever one of them guesses that this stanza is theirs or what, it’s up to you to untangle the knotted trinkets and see what jewels lay hidden between the letters for you. Ha-ha, what a vocabulary! Anyway, to further explain, my inspirations for this poem include my Batch Matalas classmates of DIS Pulong Buhangin Branch (acronym for the school I’ve mentioned a couple of poems ago, because I’m getting tired typing it), and a few more other people, so enjoy! :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))



To let, but not! Hath give me speak

In ev’ry second, so a word

And make it last before it’s weak

Before the moon rose for the bird

To enemies, past was the war

Let us be glad in times of mine

Let leave our grudges, throw afar

And sing to ends with sparkling wine

To mystify, she twinkles soft

In murmurs, I hear her rejoice

We thank the God for lives aloft

And sing for Him with boundless voice

To joyful spirits, make me laugh!

And bring such a wonderful dream

Let ripen it! And bring a staff

To fill our stomachs with such gleam!

To flirty eyes, show love to all!

Entice the nations to your smile!

So changeable, the sides to call

And give me mem’ries, inch and mile

To simple, serious, reminds me!

A quirky thought of horror fright

Such mountaintops, such oddity!

Much spin the mood in lighter light

To shyness, diff’rent in my eye

Her hands that once have captured me

A twitch in control, stranger sigh

And, lucky man, too far to see!

To hidden beauty, let it shine

Never be ‘fraid of what possess

In homely face come gems divine!

But she won’t look at her own dress

To neophil’ia, something new!

The tow’ring columns, weights in ears

In flowing velvet, shade it through

And sketch a world; everyone hears!

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