037: Missed

18 0 0

This poem is somewhat a continuation of my 36th poem, but since this is in the past tense, it is more emotional (in my sense, I think it is). I tried hard to express my thoughts, let it flow in words that contain my inner essence, and just set my soul free to the world where no one exists but me. I love the thought of being alone, having the whole world (which is actually my room) in your possession and just do what you feel like doing. It's great to be free, living a life where everything falls in the right place at the right time, walking to nothingness like it would take you forever to reach neverland, lying on the edge of the seashore and watching the many sunsets that pass each day. Being free is fun, but being free, in this state of life, is a dream.



And then there was

The breath of transmigration

A ghastly apparition

Split dimension

And then there was

Fivescore of hopeful wooing

A chant of toothful dreaming

New beginning

And then there was

The irony of torment

Reversal of resentment

False argument

And then there was

Sweet thoughts of ambivalence

Tenfold of strong existence

Wounded silence

And then there was

The crease of deep partition

And yearning, and contrition

Cold illusion

And then there was

The wafts of color drying

And lips and fingers crying

Bitter lying

And then I was

Aloft at my agreement

And all with it consistent

Brave contentment

And then I was

Conjuring in the sixth sense

Consoling weak persistence

And breathing, hence

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