092: Feathers

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Second part of the [Gray Goodbye] project



I bear the wings of a gray seeker

A guardian who watches over the forgotten

And keeps their existence, while they linger

In this dimension where they’re unwanted

I grant the curse to not remember

To console them for living without a reason

To be one with the sadness they’re forced to suffer

And continue their stories whilst their ceasing

All my life, I’ve been living

With a gray feather bleeding

On my pulse, it is bleeding


I keep watch from above

And my eye descends

Upon the people

Who prefer to pretend

That torture is nothing

But a small matter

That slowly adds up

Till it gains power

Feathers I lay

On the core of the heart

To erase the memories

That tore it apart

And shattered it up

Into helpless little pieces

Like a mistaken paper

With all the correct creases

Feathers I give

To the feeling of pain

I pierce through the skin

To paralyze the vein

To remind you of the wounds

All the tears you have wasted

Upon the despair

That has long been fated

Feathers I use

To forget all the past

That has ruined the future

That destiny has

With all these gray feathers

My wings shall endure

Every single agony

Until I find a cure

Yet all my life, I’ve been living

With a gray feather bleeding

On my pulse, it is bleeding

Until when will it be?

My tears gave me these wings

And sadness made me fly

To raise me from my blood

And bring me back to life

So that my hands can guide

You out of this great pain

And lead you back to where

Your fate decides to stay

My tears gave me these wings

To save you from the time

When all your hopes are gone

And you have crossed the line

To save you from the end

The melancholic end

So that you may live on

With happiness to spend

My tears gave me these wings

My senses disappeared

My eyes deny to see

My ears refuse to hear

My tongue ignores the taste

Of love and truth and hate

For this, the sacrifice

Pertains to my own fate

My tears gave me these wings

For me to be alive

To act the prophecy

In order to survive

To carry on the gray

And lift its weight alone

Until I reach the sky

Until I find my home

The second gray is spoken

The third will come along

Soundtrack inspiration: [Time Bomb] by [All Time Low]

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