079: Psychic (9 of 21)

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  • Dedicated to Hanna Buenaventura

Ninth part of the [21 Elements] project, inspired by Final Fantasy Type-0 (Reishiki). I'm playing the game!

This poem is dedicated to [Hanna Pauline F. Buenaventura], the seal-wielder of the element...



What power do you have

To clear my heart

From all disturbances?

Thinking - that's what you have

To paint an image from your mind

You seek to draw attention

With thoughts you cannot find

You strive to mix all colors

To produce a new shade of life

While the only shade you can apply me

Is a bitter shade of strife

You paint your own friendly circles

And stroke me with a square

With black ink, you have locked me

From all hatred and care

You brush the entire portion

With all the hues of the sky

And leave my square to be painted

With the tears that the world left to dry

You never saw I was part

Of the painting you always thought

I was drained from life to be part

Of the things you never sought

You say you never meant me

 That I am not part of the committed

But I'm glad to be here before you

To be part of the things you omitted

What power do you have

To make me forget

All my grievances?

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