022: Grammar

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This poem is an activity of our English teacher, so don’t expect it to be sad or what (IKR?!?!?!?!) Anyway, I am personally not satisfied with this poem because liveliness is not my cup of tea when it comes to being expressive and lyrical, but anyway, this poem is graded, so I’ve got to embrace things that aren’t included in my comfort zone, so this is what I made up, and if ever, you feel confused or shout in your head like what-the-heck-did-just-happen-in-this-poem, I feel the same way too. :)))))))))))))))))))))



To perplex me in twisted burst

Of eight foundations, more and more

And fill my knowledge sore with thirst

And straighten lips deep down its core

Of stories, legends of the past

To teach me something old and new

Society, morals, ethics last

When written in such vivid view

Of ballads, poems of long ago

To break the heart, or confound me

Yes! They are great, and loved them so

All things invis’ble, can’t you see?

Of di’logues, whether said or done

Affect the story bit by bit

Indirect? Direct? All is fun!

When reading comes to play and sit

Of verbs and nouns, they must agree

Go hand-in-hand to beautify

Indefinites’ uncertainty

Makes worlds go round and mystify

Of pronouns, they must do it, too

Antecedents depend on them

And thus should follow, me and you

And sew those broken phrases then

Of conjunctions, coordinate

“For”, “and”, “nor”, “but”, “or”, “yet”, and “so”

Others depend, subordinate

But do I have to choose or go?

Of prefixes and suffixes,

To form complexity on words

But they are just mere affixes

Should I put them? Seconds or thirds?

Of paragraphs, too long, too long,

But topic sentences remain

And look for them, it’s right, it’s wrong

The more implied can only feign

Of tenses that must go in pairs,

If present, past, or future, lo!

Agree with subjects should be fair

If same, oh yes! If not, oh no!

Of punctuations, never forget,

A period on the end of roads

And commas, here and there, are set

On modifiers, pre and post

Of clauses, oh! Almost forgot

Participials, infinitives

For some with commas, others not

Gerunds, numbers, appositives

And then, it all comes to an end

I must all learn these beforehand

For I will go, to aim, to send

A victory in desert sand

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