078: Moon (8 of 21)

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  • Dedicated to Erryl Joyz Espiritu

Eighth part of the [21 Elements] project, inspired by Final Fantasy Type-0 (Reishiki). I'm playing the game!

This poem is dedicated to [Erryl Joyz S.J. Espiritu], the staff-wielder of the element...



Guide of the midnight passion,

Are you there?

My soul is aware

Staring at your beauty

The silence

Draws the calm within me

Are you there?

My senses are bare

I am in trouble, deep


Disturb me from my sleep

Are you there?

My mind isn't fair

Slumber cannot comfort

Fretting that

Thinking has kept distort

Are you there?

I am knocking at your heart,

Are you there?


The sky is awake

Because of your presence

I call

Beneath the gray clouds

Are you there?


Not one look, never

Did you give me a chance

You hang

And settle up high

Are you there?


You look like pictures

That do not change in time

Hear me

Your servant is calling

Are you there?

Please listen to my story,

Are you there?


As a dancing jasmine in the wind

You blew kisses over

The green fields



Like a golden shower of roses

You dazzle before us

Like a pure



Wants to see who came to age today

And like a ray of light,

There was you


I will continue speaking,

Are you there?

You drew lines

Lines that no one dared to cross

Fearing that you might curse us

That you might end your life soon

What happened?

You painted

From the colors of your dress

A world of utter chaos

A pessimistic rainbow

What happened?

You covered

Yourself with the dark night sky

Wishing that no one would knock

Would enter your sad kingdom

What happened?

Please allow me to finish,

Are you there?

I came here

To share with you my presence

That somehow, it may warm you

From the cold of the night wind

I offer

My presence

I came here

To share with you my spirit

That somehow, it may open

Your eyes to the brighter world

I offer

My spirit

I came here

To give you my hand and heart

A friendship might be useful

To give you a second chance

I offer

My being

If you may, just one more part,

Are you there?

Among all,

You are indeed beautiful

A work of nature

No one can deny your grace

A blessing

I climbed you,

People say I have gone mad

But I didn't care

This staircase that caused my pain

Is nothing

I have reached,

Now please, don't you remember?

You are just like me

Alone, yet willing to take

Each other

Your body resounds within,

Are you there?

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