076: An Ode to the Fifteenth

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This poem is inspired by Final Fantasy XV (formerly Final Fantasy Versus XIII), specifically the song [Omnis Lacrima]. (Waiting for the game in PS4 by 2015, I hope so... I don't have the money to buy PS4, okay?!)



Finally, I came

To the ending I've always waited

Destiny shall devour my death

Remorse shall relinquish my return

Nightfall shall never cease to bring back

The memory of my dreaded past

So I come

To bring with me the blood

That was never spilled in time

My hand shall rest on my sword

My body shall decay upon the sound

Of fifteen undiscovered fragments

And all inevitable truths

In me, the world relies

The fate of the Crystal is certain

The time has come

Light of the morning desolation

Shine upon this mourning eye

From the emptiness, I rise

Seeking the reality in the chaos

Waiting for the sudden chance

Of any imminent revelation

Among the glass towers ahead

Lies the fearful, distorted truth

I arrive at the resting place

With the shadow of doubt, casting

Where does this path lead to?

Will it ever guide me somewhere?

From a distance, I travel

To the borders of reality, breaking

Somewhere I find a hint

A blur, a smoke, a phantom

Of the feigning facade that furnished

The audience awaits silently

I act under the flames

Consumed, I become part of history

My sanctuary, doomed to destruction

My identity, removed from the throne

Beginning of the war unravels

Sweet peace, comfort my affliction

Seek the knowledge in my heart

Snatch it away, a cursed memory

Erase the stains of the ink of the ocean

All I long is the pure paradise

A safe haven, thousands time afar

With the reality, clear and blue

With the sky, vivid and hopeful

Doom bears the sign of rain

Falling upon the tremor of my finger

From a morning star, I revive

To the mission of the world's novel

Riding my soul through the paper path

Clearing the road of true redemption

Of whatever was lost, or may

The wings unveil within

Is sacrifice anything at all?

Is my doing near enough?

From the silence, I speak

Against the lies that past dispels

The harmony of reigning, fractured

Being the cast of the greater despair

Only the first of what may come

I ready, standing ever still

Gripping the faith that remains untouched,

The next sunrise shall bind unsteady

Light, unfazed by commotion

Stirred over a mere reflection

Distance draws the lines of fate

Reminisce the days of tranquility

Beside the hushed water flowing

Turbulent skies leave a vague sign

The impending struggle closes

Replaced, a door shall creak silently

Like Pandora, peeking at the end

End, the great mystery of books

Of myths, powers, legends, and evils

Somewhere hidden, cursed, today

A mark shall distinguish difference

End, the creation and destruction alike

Balance of the world's dissonance

Unison to the gate of revelation

A blind story unfolds

Higher, reach the end of the days

Change will sustain the changes

Nothing shall remain unaltered

To the death by truth, oneself

Remember the sacrifice, my heart

Is laden with the last grief

Stricken by a memory of love,

The hand, united at last

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