002: Lifeless

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Same as poem number one, this one is also part of my crappy poems (yeah, I always regret it, [sigh]). No meter too, but with rhyme; it is also not that good (I’m down). Anyway, it is one of my first few not-so-successful tries of making a poem, and I included it. It is about the feeling of emptiness and loneliness, which both inspired me.



I painted the world with shades of gray

Like flowers that die and wither away

I covered the darkness of my past

To keep my memories from disappearing fast

I saw the lives of countless spirits

 Living in this world of glass and ages

 I heard the mourning of frozen souls

Trapped in their own books with burnt pages

I collected the words of bittersweet past

 To remember your presence, your colors, and you

 I kept them in my hand to last

 But when I opened mine, I saw ashes a few

 I lay in this bed of blood and tears

 Dreaming of you and wishing you’re here

 But the cold has obscured what I can see

And what is now left is lifeless me

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