083: Leaf (13 of 21)

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  • Dedicated to Paul Derick Cruz

Thirteenth part of the [21 Elements] project, inspired by Final Fantasy Type-0 (Reishiki). I'm playing the game!

This poem is dedicated to [Paul Derick S. Cruz], the boomerang-wielder of the element...



Triad of the heart

The winter barrenness ends

Sorrow’s epilogue

Had there been more time for you,

Would you have chosen better?

Falling from the drought

Into the gloomy snow

Hope falls like the dew

Over the numb rock

They fall in sadness

Patience drawing cold

From the surroundings

The suffocation

They fall constantly

Down to the pavement

They kiss the dry earth

With a fulfilled smile

Many see them fall

They wonder and ask,

“Why do they scatter

Like a wanderer?”

Many do not know

They don’t understand

Some things just happen

They need no reason

They smile on the ground

For their job is done

The journey fulfilled,

The conclusion met

Yet no one knows this,

The story beyond

Has much more to share,

Much more to learn from

Had there been choices to pick,

Would your outcome be better?

Falling does not mean

Losing a battle

It is destiny

Set in retrograde

Sometimes, fate decides

For our weak conscience

And it is in that

We regain our strength

Falling is merely

A plain occurrence

In nature’s lifetime

A self-renewal

But the path is deep

The shadows cave in

And dwell painfully

In the arid core

Yet this must be done

Death has come to us

Like a wave of peace

Removing our souls

Yours, a stinging drop

A drink of acid

It is yours to fill

Your agonized heart

Mine, pieces of pain

Shards of loneliness

Perpetually bleed

In order to live

Had there been another life,

Would you choose to be the same?

Do not choose to be

If you do, prepare:

The crystal will come

Falling from the sky

Triad of the heart

The pieces desire to bloom

The story awaits

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