006: Covered

46 3 0

This poem deviates from the boyfriend-girlfriend type, and focuses more on the sadness brought about by being alone. Anyway, I like the fact/emotion of being alone (but I’m not alone, okay? I’ve got friends!), you know, the kind of feeling when no one sees you and you can do anything without people commenting on what you’re doing (for short, alone and free; FREEDOM!!!), but this centers on the aspect of being alone and sad rather than happy.





I seem so happy; yes, it’s true

It only seems ‘cause I’m with you

But try to take it all away

And see it barren, cold, and gray

The silence kills me; I’m helpless

Dying in the chains of sorrow

The noise tortures me; I’m worthless

Crying like there’s no tomorrow

I’m living in a perfect lie

With strangers and liars and friends

Outside we live, inside we die

It just continuously ends

I fake myself; I fake a smile

I fake it all to live a while

I died ago from way back when

But can we just do it again?

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