072: Ice (6 of 21)

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  • Dedicated to Fatima Joy

Sixth part of the [21 Elements] project, inspired by Final Fantasy Type-0 (Reishiki). I'm playing the game!

This poem is dedicated to [Fatima Joy S. Gagui], the dart-wielder of the element...



If I give away my heart,

Will you love me the same?

Astray I am,

Amidst the flakes of flame consume my soul

And wandering,

Upon the snow that wishes to condole

Wicked is,

Appraisal to the cold beneath my skin

Arise from sleep,

Under the weathered mind above the din

Spurn the crystal,

Cross the lake upon the dangered crack

And fall into

The fallacy that misery did lack

All I go,

To half-dead fate I still walk to the place

And kiss my hand,

I leave a sign upon my frost-struck face

If I give away my heart,

Will I be recognized?

See the mark that tears engender

And the chill that it resides

Where the trees have gone a promise

By a shade that ne'er subside

Unabridged, and split asunder

Come I feel a tension strong

On the withered hope that crosses

When it hides a darkened song

I imply, my soul surrenders

To this climate of disgrace

And upon, that lips remember

I shall never be erased

O divine, the feathered flower

That falls upon my grave

Hear the sound of lovely silver

That echoes through the cave

If I give away my heart,

Will I have life to live?

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