005: Echoes

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This poem has that kind of touch like poems three and four, but this one visualizes the boy (or the girl) forgetting his/her girl/boyfriend because of certain circumstances and misunderstandings.



Don’t ask me ‘cause it hurts so much

It rips my heart to say goodbye

Forget those things that there was such

The two of us; it’s just a lie

Forget, forget, I can’t forget

It’s just a little game we played

Regret, regret, it’s all regret

A lifetime is enough to fade

Pretending is so hard to do

When our paths cross; when our eyes meet

I once called help when I saw you

‘Cause I can’t stand on my own feet

I did my best to forget you

I’ll go away, I’ll go away

But it’s so hard ‘cause I love you

Just go away, just go away

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