067: Wind (2 of 21)

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  • Dedicated to Landcel Arcedo

Second part of the [21 Elements] project, inspired by Final Fantasy Type-0 (Reishiki). I'm playing the game!

This poem is dedicated to [Landcel Clarence J. Arcedo], the fan-wielder of the element...



My hands grasp at the nothingness

That leaves a trail of enigmatic charms

To which I follow through

Up in the sky, dreams hang silently

Mistaken for empty space

Filled with an invisible warmth

Currents bring a breeze of glee

That smiles and laughs just instantly

Without a person or a thing

I float towards the open sea

Open my palms to reach the skies

To break the bonds that speak of lies

Without a person or a thing

Her life surrounds a world that flies

Spirits come to celebrate

Gods come to emancipate

Air comes from a flight of peace

To help mankind resuscitate

From ashes that live on as dead

Command the wings to fly ahead

To haul sweet souls from pools of pain

To freedom from the Great Descend

My hand plucks a feather from Heaven

And I blow it gently to the high clouds

Of sacrosanct emptiness

I face a wave of unknown horizons

Awaiting to be discovered by a chance

That relies on our hands

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