008: Losing

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This one is based on true life, and if anyone from my classmates read this, you know me! (Darwin International School, Batch Matalas of Pulong Buhangin Branch, listen to me, or should I say, read this!) Anyway, we lost from the Sports Festival held in our school, and of course, I captured the emotion of losing (no hard feelings to our rivals, please!) I wrote this in our classroom whiteboard, and a copy exists in our classroom. :)



It’s not the time of agony

When screams were drowned by hopelessness

It’s not the time of misery

When hands were cut by sleeplessness

It is the burning fire of blame

The voices that withstood the rain

It is the aching soul of shame

The prizes that could lie and feign

Condemn the gold! It is a fake

The tears are heavy with despair

Condemn the loss for our own sake

But all have left without repair

We did our best to win such fame

We did our best to cheer all-out

We did our best to bring our name

But twenty-one could only shout

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