097: Photographs

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Seventh part of the [Gray Goodbye] project



For every day


For every single smile

Every moment captured

Every memory treasured

Made unknown,

Every photograph

Is bleached

Unto my gray eyes,

I see solace

I see pain

Deeply etched and engraved

Into every cell and tissue

A miserable framework

That withstood indifference,

Now drained altogether

Unto my gray eyes,

I saw hate

I saw wrath

Raging like a wildfire

An inferno of rain

Each drop like numbness

Settling in my skin,

Now flushed altogether

Unto my gray eyes,

I will see revenge

I will see war

To change the course

Of the sun’s revolution

Every moment captured

Every memory treasured,

Now obliterated altogether

In every reality

Is every duality

The good

Shadowed by evil

The laughter

Echoed by lament

The calm

Perturbed by thought

That is why

In every void

Is every choice

Without good

Shadowed without evil

Without laughter

Echoed without lament

Without calm

Perturbed without thought

Without gray eyes

To see solace

To see pain,

No more backtracks

No more rewinds

No more recalls

No more throwbacks

To be set

Without gray eyes

To see hate

To see wrath,

No more understandings

No more socialization

No more realizations

No more friendships

To be set

Without gray eyes

To see revenge

To see war,

No more chaos

No more disorder

No more completeness

No more emptiness

To be set

Without the past,

The present

Is inconsistent

The future

Is incoherent

And I,

My identity

Will be erased

Without a standard,


Become empty


Become nonsense


Become blank

Like gray


Without backgrounds

Without depth

Without angle

Without focus

Without emotions

Are I

Like gray

And gray

It is

It was

What is

What will

Is what is

What will


Seventh, it was

Eighth, what is

Soundtrack inspiration: [Stay Close, Don't Go] by [Secondhand Serenade]

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