038: Walk Back

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Again, this poem is a victim of memory, my beloved. It (this poem) reflects my longing for my home, the eternal peace that awaits me. When I'm alone, I whisper thoughts of my home, there on the uninhabited grasslands on the high mountains. I see clouds up high and sunsets on the distant horizon, watching them dip in the never-ending line of memories and furnishing the serene light of the stars. There on the grasslands, I see myself watching the sky grow dark, and with my back on the soft earth, I paint the world with a gradient of unexpressed emotions that could only be seen in my mirrored self. There in neverland, I am complete; I am perfect; I am unharmed.



It was the time

When the road was long and steep

Over the heap

And the air just washed away

On a pale day

That I longed to walk the road

To my abode

It was the time

When the trees rustled in gust

Through noise and dust

And the flowers bloomed to see

The lonely tree

That I longed to find a place

A quiet space

It was the time

When the mirrors on the gem

With him and them

And the walls were painted blue

On grayish hue

That I longed to call the phone

To weep and moan

It was the time

When the clothes were folded back

In ordered stack

And the toys were tidy white

On virgin light

That I longed to step inside

To seek or hide

It was the time

When the soldiers left for home

To yearning dome

And their parents ate and cooked

With cheerful look

That I longed to much belong

On a sweet song

It was the time

When the stars were clouded cast

On chills that last

And the moon was red as blood

And thick as mud

That I longed for warmer touch

Frozen, if such

It was the time

When the roses were the best

From east to west

And the frangipanis stink

Like blissful wink

That I longed to walk the road

Back to my abode

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