Chap:3 Say what need to say..

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Jenna's Prov

I sat in my bedroom listening to music most of the day Alexandria came over when the boys were not home. They are going to be so mad when they come home and find out I let someone in the flat that I wasn't supposed to. Oops?

"So who are you living with now?" Alexandria was very calm about since I don't live at the foster home shelter place.

"I-Uh Live here with some very nice people." I had to think and choose my words carefully and as soon as I said that I hear the door open.. "Uh I will be right back." I ran down stairs still in my gymnastics outfit.

Louis was standing in the door way and so were the other lads. I automatically put my hand to my head slapping myself. Alexandria can't meet them! I am not even ready to tell anyone and I tell the lads I don't want to go out in public yet. I feel like Niall and Harry are the only ones that really understand.

"please leave!" i kind of shouted but it wasn't really a shout more like whisper.

"Why?" The lads seemed to be in sync all day

"Are you okay down their Jenna?" Alex asked from upstairs.


"Can I come down and meet your new friends." She giggled and she slightly yelled down stairs before I could answer I heard footsteps on the stairs.

"OH MY GOD!" she screeched. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE LIVING WITH ONE FREAKING DIRECTION!" she yelled and Liam glared at me. Well I am in trouble.

"You can't tell anyone!" me and the lads yelled at her slightly all in sync.

"Why? Why don't you want anyone to know?" Alex seemed to never really understand my place in home but she was always a good friend she is actually my best friend next to the boys.

"Because I don't want the paps following me and you everywhere we go.. I will Come out when I am ready to come out and tell the public I am related to them." I looked at Lou I couldn't tell if his feelings were hurt or not. He nodded in agreement. Liam pursed his lip like he was going to say something but he thought better not to say it. We sat in silents for a couple moments.

"I-I need to tell you boys something."

Alexandria's prov*

Jenna didn't tell me she was related to One direction or that they were her new foster fanily. After all me and her had gone through. HOW COULD SHE NOT TELL ME!? Well if I were related to them to i wouldn't want anyone to really know either. All the thoughts in my head were jumbled.

"I need to tell you Boys something." Jennna turned pale then it was like as she went speak she passed out.


Next chap. will be uploaded soon


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