Chapter 49: Do you want to?

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Jenna's P.O.V***

2 weeks. 2 more weeks of living in england. 2 more weeks till tour picks back up and i have to face the public and show them my children's faces. Liz said that she would be coming on tour and managment gave us another tour bus. Mainly for Liz,Alex and all the babies. Liz has became a second mother. My mom El will be joining us on the last 'half' of tour their is more like 3/4 of tour left again.

I can't wait to see the sights. I think now that Lucas is a little bigger and almost big enough to walk. I will defaintly be taking him out with me. He will of course be holding my hand or being carried. I feel like Niall is now taking pride in his son. They were spotted a Soccer game a few weeks ago. The press went mad crazy asking who the kid was and Niall told the press it was simply his..

On the other hand Luke has taken more care of Lucas in the long run. He has even started to teach him shapes and colors. Calum has tried to teach Lucas soccer but Lucas is much like me and wants to use his hands. It will probably take him ages to not want to use his hands. Ashton obviously has a death wish from everyone on the bus ,expect himself at the moment, he has been teaching Lucas how to beat on the drums and make 'pretty noises'. Its quite annoying. Michael calls Lucas his partner in crime when he doesn't want to be on diaper duty. I find this sad because Michael is a really good parent.

"Babe. I have a proposition for you." Luke said drawing me away from my thoughts of sitting in my room and starring off into space.

"Yes?" I said and I looked at him cocking my head to the side as he had a childish smile on his face.

"How about when the tour is over we move out like on our own.." He said and I looked at him confused.

"Luke, I love you a lot and I mean it sounds like a lovely lovely idea BUT, i don't think its a good idea. I mean Michael needs help with Lizzie and Lila and the band and what country woul we live in? What about the kids. I just don't know Luke. I mean I'd love to stay in australia with you I would so much and I'd love to move out their with you but I don't know if I can. Plus what about Lucas and Niall. Niall is trying and I don't want to be running him back and forth between countries every month and what not." I sighed as had no interlocked fingers. His smile dropped as he mumbled.

"Niall didn't show much instrest in Lucas until just a few months ago because he can now walk and talk with childish babbles. Its not fair that he can step up now and its okay."

"Luke! He is trying now and I don't want to be the bad guy!" I said and groaned. "How about this." I pursed my lips. "We continue to live with the boys in that big house you guys own together in Australia and since we all know 1D is not moving I think its safe to say half the year in Australia and then we come to england with the other guys and stay here." I suggested and smiled.

"Then when your ready and when everything is cool with everyone can we move out." He said with a little glimse of hope in his eyes.

"I guess." I said and this made him jump and fist pump in the air. I couldn't help but laugh at him like a dork.

"STOP HAVING SEX RIGHT NOW!" Calum pounded on the door and screamed. Luke then opened the door and furrowed his brow at him.

"We aren't having sex you asshole. Jenna said we can move in together." He cheered like a child and Calum gave me a look and I rolled my eyes and he just gave a small nod.

"When you moving to England and loosing your australian accent. Cause this ought to be good to see and watch." Calum said and i chuckled.

"Well we are living in australia and here we will have 2 houses and for right now I still have to live with and everyone else." Luke explained and Calum smiled.

"I am just messing with you man I am happy for you or when you will." Cal patted Luke on the back and then left to go to the kitchen I think.

Harry was throwing a big ass house party tonight but we couldn't be for sure that it would last long. He had got a bunch of alochol but none of us were so post to drink it. He said that we weren't allowed to but my father follows those rules about as much as Luke hates to kiss in public. Harry said guest would arrive around 8. it was now 7. Luke looked at the clock.

"I think its time we get ready to go do something with the kids. Like give them to my mom or we can go for a stroll since I think paps will be more interested in the party then the will the people leaving the house." Luke smiled and i nodded.

"Lets go for a stroll just the 5 of us. We can go to the park down the way its not that far and its quite lovely I have been their a few times. I can't wait until the triplets are older and I won't have to carry so much in the baby bag." I said and Luke just chuckled.

"I will carry it for you baby." He said and took it and I just smiled.

"So Luke do you really want to? You know move out?" I said and Luke looked at me

"sort of I don't know Do you want to?"


I know this is a shit reason for not updating but i have school and i am Ap student and its bullshit. So i have a shit ton of homework guys. Love you. Uh dedication Jenna Becca and Siara you know who you are. Also all the readers who have got me to 13k you are awesome now if we could get their in votes. Ugh i love you all so much.


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