Chapter 55: Birthdays

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Jenna's P.O.V***

"Come on Alex we know your full of hot air you should be able to blow out the candles in no time." Mikey harassed as I lit the candles they were relighting candles so everytime you blew them out they would relight. I rolled my eyes. The boys have been bugging Alex asking her what it feels like to be 18 now.

"It feels like normal. I only feel old when I look at the kids that are carwling. Mikey make them stop growing up and make them stay our babies!" Alex protested and everyone just laughed as she pouted and Michael wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her head.

"They are only the beinning." He said and I think me and Luke both looked at them and shook our heads in sync.

"Yeah no one else can have kids cause it will probably end up being quads or something." Luke said as Alex looked at the candles counting them. She then tried to blow them out but they relight automatically.

"Really guys I am not 4 I am 14 years older than that." She said.

We removed them and put the in the sink then cut the cake. I smiled and looked at the 2 girls whose birthday would be very very soon along with the triplets and then Lucas. I smiled and handed out cake to everyone when Luke asked Mikey trying to be quiet.

"You were joking about the whole they are just the beinning right?" He asked and Mikey just chuckled.

Me and Luke had this discussion and we agreed upon no more kids not until we are much older like mid 20's or late 20's. We agreed on upon that only if the band wasn't together or if they weren't touring. But for right now our little family of 6 was enough. By 6 I mean: Me, Luke, Lucas, Ari, Ash, and Abbi.

Abbi and Ari the identical trouble twins. They were identical in every way except who they liked. They both liked Lucas so much but Abbi likes Ash's toys while Ari likes Lucas' toys. They are so funny. Alex laughs at me when I can't tell them apart so I look at their feet to see whose foot is drawn on and whose isn't. Thats the only real way me and Luke can tell anymore.

I looked around the room everyone was so happy and cahting and it was just really fun. The one direction guys were going to be giving Alex a 'little' surprise later on tonight. I looked down at my cake then went and threw it in the trash remember what I had be told at a meet and greet a few weeks ago. I walked back in the bathroom and took some diet medication that I paid a doctor to subscribe to me. He didn't want to but when you have money people become stupid. I took the 2 pills and about 10 minutes later I started to feel sick.

I threw up the contents of my stomach and I felt hot tears rolling down my face. Luke ran into the bathroom of the new rental house. He looked at me. I had already put away the pill bottle thank god. He looked at me with sad eyes and held my hair back until I was done. I moved toward the cold wall.

"Jenna please tell me you didn't force yourself to throw up this is the 3rd time it was happened you ate a little then you throw up." Luke said as his rough fingers rubbed my face.

"I don't know I just didn't feel well baby I am sorry. I will drink some tea and make some soup okay and maybe then it will stay down." I said when I knew for a fact that only the tea would stay down Luke just looked at me again with the same sad eyes.

"If you don't feel good then why didn't you say so we could take you to the doctor or something Jen. It the start of birthday week." He looked at me and rubbed my face one last time then kissed me head. He helped me up and to the bedroom.

"I will go make you some tea." He said and I nodded.

I laid on the bed and felt so guilty. I don't like lying to Luke. I hate it and despise it. I look around the room to notice pictures of me luke and the babies when they wer younger. I sigh and then Luke walks in with 2 cups of tea.

"One for me and one for you cause I don't ant you to be alone the guys said that they had the little ones under controll and Alex promised to make sure they didn't spoil or let them die." Luke smiled and handed me the cup of tea. I looked at it and waited for it to cool.

"Luke I think I ought to tell you something." I whispered but he didn't hear me so I just let it go.

I decided that it wasn't impoartant. We watched some tv and I cuddled into Luke's side. I smiled and looked up at him with the sad eyes he gave me earlier.

"Whats wrong jen?" He said and rubbed my back.

"I want to tell you why I am sick but I am afraid you will be upset about what I did or worse turn me in for it." I say and he looked at me a little confused. I sighed and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and got in the cabinet and went in and handed Luke the pills. He looked at me before sighing and closing his eyes tightly.

"Please please please.. Tell me you weren't taking these. Please." He said slowly and I couldn't help but make a huge gape between me and Luke. I looked at him with the same hot tears from earlier on my face.

"I-I was. I am so sorry the fans just kept telling me I was fat and everything and I am trying to loose the very last of the baby weight I-." Luke looked at me and opened the pill bottle and threw it at the wall angrily.

"This is fucking bullshit! You don't understand how fucking mad I am right now! You could have done so many other fucking things but no you decide to go and do it the fucked up way! Like what the hell did you even think about the kids or me or the boys!? No you didn't because you NEVER do!" He said and got up walking out of the room.

I ran after him and hugged him from behind he just fought to get me off his body. I started to cry on the floor and laid their. Calum, Mikey and Ashton all looked at me like I was fucked up. Alex put a hand out for me but then Mikey went and pulled her arm back and pulled her into a different room.

I felt like a piece of trash maybe thats all I am. Thats what the fans call me. Thats what I feel like. Guess thats what I am.

I am trash. Just trash. Like wedding rings, vows and promises, Broken and thrown away like nothing..

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