Chapter 52: Screw it lets get married!

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Jenna's P.O.V***

I woke up on the tour bus. I looked around to noticed I was on the floor and their was a body pressed up against me. I slowly rolled myself over to see whose arm was wrapped around my body but I could tell my the color of their skin it was luke. I smiled softly and finished rolling over to see a beautiful smile already starting to merge on his face.

"Goodmorning beautiful." He said in a raspy morning voice.

"Goodmorning handsome." I said and kissed his nose. He smiled brightly and brought his hand to my face brushing my cheek. I smiled softly as he did so.

"I think its time to get up. I know that if the boys are all up were so post to stop for breakfast. I will help get the babies dressed and everything." He said and I smiled. He has never in a million years offered to get the babies ready.

"Okay." I said and got up going to get the kids bag of some of their clothes and getting them ready with Luke. It was nice having help today. We conqured all 3 kids in like 5 minutes with the help of Alex of course.

I then went and sat on the couch and sighed softly to myself looking at my engagement ring while luke then came in. He looked at me and wrapped his arm around me and smiled softly. He kissed my temple and i let his chapped lips brush against my skin.

"I think I have a beautiful idea." He said and got up going to the back and making some phone calls before coming back and sitting beside me.

"So how would you like to get married?" Luke said and I looked at him in pure shock. He just gave me that stupid smile that I can't say no to.

"Yeah." I said and he smiled.

"Perfect. We will get married then in a few hours okay?" He said and kissed me as the bus came to a hault outside of an IHOP.

"Really?" I said with excitment in my voice and Luke bit his lip nodding insanely.

"Yeah I mean we have the rings and everything and we agreed we weren't going to be super fancy about this so. Yeah why not now?" He said and I smiled hugging him tightly around the neck.

"Luke hemmings you have no clue how much I fucking love you." I said and kissed his cheeks repeatidly.

"SAVE IT FOR LATER LOVE BIRDS!" Michael yelled coming on the bus grabbing his 2 kids and leaving.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO CAKE BABY!" Calum ran up to Luke and kissed his cheek. By now I am used to the guys bromancing and how weird they are. I eman they are boys they have cooties.

"Cake died when Lucas was born man." Luke said and smirked and Calum pouted.

Ashton walked onto the bus and got Lucas up and called him little man the whole way to the stairs of the bus then waved at me and Luke and shook his finger as to scold us also. I just chuckled as Calum grabbed Abbigail and Arielle and left the bus saying we weren't getting our kids back and Liz grabbed baby Ash. I smiled and Luke picked me up screaming that they could have the kids cause he had the only one he needed.

"Luke you wouldn't miss your babies?" I asked kind of shocked and he looked at me like I was stupid.

"Of course I'd miss them but I am most certainly miss you more then the babies. I mean I would miss them to the point of death but I would die missing you for certain." He said and I couldn't help but blush then Louis came over also known as AKA my father.

"Romeo Romeo hurry up cause we are all hungry!" He said and Luke made a mad dash for the IHOP enterance. Liam got the door and held it forever one. Luke then put me down and we bowed at Liam. Sometimes I swear we are complete children more then our children.

Luke and I got to put in how many people we had and how many children which would technically be 6 but we only said 1 to show our acutally maturity. Luke then started to color with Lucas who told him to get his own coloring page. Luke acted over offended and didn't let lucas have some of his pancake. I just shook my head and ate in peace.

me,mom, Alex, and Liz picked out what we were going to wear for this 'wedding' that Luke had so welly planned. I didn't know where we were going. Who was doing what. I thought It was kind of cliche that we were eloping in a since and it wasn't going to be a big wedding just the people we adore will be their.

I got off the bus once we got to the venue. Lou rushed me to hair and make up where Luke was leaving. He then went to the dressing room I watched Calum and Ashton slowly open they allowed Luke in and then slammed and locked the door. Lou did my hair really pretty and make make-up was perfect. She then brought in someone to dress me. They dresed me in a pretty white dress but not a wedding dress. Everyone else then got dressed even lux. Thats when my father and Harry came and got me.

"Can we escort or steal the bride. while you know you guys go stand by the males." They said and all the girls ran out in a mad dash to the stage.

I watched in awe as I had finally figured Luke's plan out. I smiled brightly. Next thing I knew Harry had me wrapped in a hug and my dad was telling me I didn't have to marry Luke if I didn't want to. But in all honesty I wanted to marry Luke more than anything in the world.

"Dad I am getting married but I will always be your baby girl. Biologically or not. I will always be yours." I say and smile.

He pulled me in a hug and I swore we were both going to start crying. Thats when we heard music playing. I smiled as I knew ahston was playing the paino and would have to run up to the line of goomsmen. I smiled and wondered if the other guys looked as good as my dad did.

We started the walk to the stage and Lucas came up and I got down to his level as he whispered 'I love you mommy' I smiled in awe as Lou helped him become a ring barier and held him back so he would walk up at the right time. The preist started. Lucas came down with the rings and me and Luke both said I do and the guys all cheered. We gave our sappy nothingness speeches to each other after words.

We didn't have a cake or anything because they boys would have to go on stage soon and would have to change. They had to put their nice clothes up for the award shows. I smiled and kissed Luke one more time before going back stage to wait untill after the concert.

"I can't believe we just got married." He said and then ran up on stage. The boys kind of harrassed him then became silent.

"Okay Okay Okay." Mikey said and the guys were smiling at Luke.

"As some of you may know Luke has been dating a wonderful girl who just so happens to be Jenna Tomlinson. But... drum roll ashton." Michael said and Ashton did a drum roll. "Her last name is now Hemmings." Luke started to blush a very bright shade of red.

"So Mr. Hemmings should we bring your newly wed wife out on the stage or would you like to tell us what its like to get married? and how you knew today was the day." Calum said and Luke smiled.

"I knew today was the day because we both agreed and we were kind of like Screw it lets get married. We are in love and we have-." He stopped himself and just shook his head smiling. "We have a wonderful fanbase from you guys so I mean why not get married to day." He said and I smiled brightly running on stage and kissing him.

"I think this says it best. He said 'screw it lets get married' was that your thoughts Jenna?" Ashton said and I nodded and everyone awed.

"So i think this deserves a round of appulase or better yet a 'screw it lets get married'" Michael said and me and Luke both blushed crimson.

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