Chapter 61: Wake up.

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Alexandria's P.O.V***

"Alex wake up!"

"Wake up baby girl."


The voices had taken over. The sound was doing the damage. Everything was pure pain. Breathing Living. Fighting struggling.

"Alex wake up."

"Sissy he is so cute! Why can't we hold him?

The events from my life replaying right before my eyes. The sick twisted things.

The party

"Sissy why does it smell weird in her?" Lila asked

"Cause its none of your damn business." I snapped at Lila.

"But sissy I wanna go to mommy and daddy!" She cried and I groaned rolling my eyes and walking away.

"Hey baby how are you?" Chance asked.

"I am fine other then the fact the fact the little whore keeps following me and asking to see mommy and daddy. well little did she know they didn't want her. no one wants her." I snarled.

"Well maybe we can head upstairs." He said and I smirked

I may have been intoxicated but I still knew what I was doing.

"Maybe Chance. But i think I need to get the little witch home. Before you know she finds the phone and calls for mommy and daddy." I smirk and we kiss.

I walk to find Lila on the floor with some blakent crying. She is weeping about how she is sorry for all the bad things she has done and that if this was her punishment god she is sorry and she would never be bad again. The little whore actually believes in this bullshit.

"GET UP!" I tell her and drag her out to my chevy impala.

I shoved her into the back not really caring about if she was buckled in or not. I wanted the sick and twisted movie to stop. please stop. I prayed it would but the movie kept going.

The headlights were coming straight us and Lila started to climb in the front that when the impact occured. Lila was blood from head to toe when I found her she had all kinds of glass and damage. The EMTS rushed over to us. The other driver was uninjured and I had no clue how. They tried to get me in the ambulance but I fought. I wanted to be with Lila. They were doing chest compression on her an counting.

She Never Started Breathing. I had killed Lila. I they heart monitor thing on the ambulance was reading dead the whole ride to the hospital the silence of that ring when it has no pulse was the silence that killed me. It was the silence that made me sob.I stood in this what felt like daydream cring. I had to resee Lila's death all over again. I had to watch all over again from another point of view I had to watch me kill her. I had to watch her lifeless body fumble through the ground like a ball. I had to watch with out words I could say to stop it other then my scream to my brain to change this.

The next one was the funeral.

"Come on Alexandria. She would have wanted you their you were her only older sister you know!" My mother shouted at me as I tried to dress myself with a sling on my body. I had a dislocated shoulder from the wreck.

I looked at myself a few more times. I had done my make up very naturally since thats what Lila liked best on me. I walked down the stairs woobling a little bit. I had to go stand infront of family members who knew I had killed Lila. I had to stand by the dead body. I had to live with that pain. I had to live with this for the rest of my life.

"Hurry up we are going to be late hunny!" My dad called for my mom and tried to rush her out the door but in all reality it was me my mom was waiting for me.

"I know Phil I will only be a few moments." She said and grabbed her hand wallet.

I quickly sprayed some perfume and walked through what I had sprayed. I looked one more time at the room. I sighed nothing would ever be the same.

Once at the funeral home we all suffled out of the car thats when I saw a face I never thought I'd see again apear. I saw her face. I saw the face of Lila dead. Lifeless, pale not smiling. all the things from a few nights ago played in my head. It was time for people to say their letters i guess to Lila and the crowd. My mom talked about how much she regret leaving her with me that night. I rolled my eyes cause this has never happened but then again people could never die twice right?

I swore when I looked over at Lila she looked at me and mouthed to me 'wake up'. Lila had this joke with me that we both would say Wake Up. We would say this as our I love yous and our ways of saying time to live. Time to be free.

Finally it was my turn to speak. I stood at the alter.

"Hello people, family, friends," I took a shakey breath but continued. "You have been brought here today because you know Lila Summer Canin. She was a ball full of sunshine and Joy and I could only imagine what she would be doing right now if she weren't" I stopped myself and looked around the crowd of people. I saw her every where I looked. But not only did I see her. I saw Michael.

Michae was never their when summer died though. I would have remember seeing Michael I only meet him though Jenna. I turned on my heels.

Only to be met with a pair of all to firmilar hazel eyes.

'Why are you doing this body! i know I fucked up I fucked up not them why are you doing this!' I screamed in my mind but still recieved no answer.

I looked around one more time thats when I turned around and I was still at the alter speaking. I slowly made my way toward Lila's caskett. I looked down at her she looked so peacefull. It killed me inside ot see her like this. Thats when her hair moved and she slowly sat up. She hugged me and had that dorky dimpled smile that I loved.

"I love you Alex its time to wake up now. Remember I love you and tell Mikey to take care of you he is worried about you." She said and hugged me thats when the light start to shine brightly and the voices came back in to my life.

Someone was holding my hand I could feel them holding my hand. They were crying I could hear the voices. I didn't want to open my eyes yet. I didn't want to return back to reality. I didn't know if I could return back to reality. I thought about who Michael was I thought about who Jenna was. Who was this bad that I saw in my vison. Who was everyone.

I finally decided to open my eyes. Their sat the most beautiful people I had every saw.

"Alex your awake!" one said and wrapped me in a hug kissing my head over and over again.

"I-I killed my sister." I spit out and the tears started to pour down as I noticed the person kissing my head was Michael. Michael didn't even know my worst secret.

I had killed my sister Lila. I killed my baby sister and didn't even bother to make things right. I killed her that night in the car.

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