Chapter 15: Sweet Christmas

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Jenna's Pov*

"It twas the night before christmas and all throught the land." Harry tried to read the Night before christmas on our way home from dinner. Sadly in the 1st limo was Zayn,Harry,Niall,Alex,Katie and me, plus the driver.

"Harry do you know how incediable annoying you are mate?" I smiled and he glared.

"Shut it Tomlinson." He remarked back.


"oh you two will you please shut up!" Katie cut in. Me and Harry had been bickering all night. "I wouldn't know you and Niall were together expect the fact you got dressed in his room,You guys kissed like 1 million times today, and that you are romantic and crap at dinner." Alex and Katie made a fake gagging noise along with Zayn and Harry.

"You guys are SOO immature!" Niall remarked and then me and him ran out the door first up to the house. I ran to the music room and played Nialls' guitar and sang softly. I guess since the boys know that me singing is a soft topic to methey don't realy bug me about it as much anymore.




"Its Open!" I yelled and kept playing and I smiled softly while seeing my amgios. I began to play some Avril Lavinge music. Then I stopped and sighed.

"does anyone remember when we were like 13 and 14 and our favorite thing to was play the sims?" I giggled feeling like a nerd. I got a bunch of nods. "Why can't it be that simple again?"

"Cus we are grown ups." I looked at Alex like she was fucking insane.

"Bitch please." I said quiet loudly

"Yeah us here is not 'grown ups' us here are kids trapped in teenagers body's" I giggled at what katie said before I heard more knocks at my door.

"ITS OPEN!" I yelled once again.

"ITS FUCKING CHRISTMAS!!!!" Louis ran in his pj's and I fell on the ground laughing.

"Dad we have another day til christmas." I giggled and he smiled and wrapped me up in a hug. "Please tell me you didn't get me something that cost alot for christmas. Its already bad enough Niall is buying me stuff that I like when, I should really go with out it."

"I HEARD THAT!" I heard his Irish accent and then I saw him. "Come here sweetie." I smiled and ran into his arms. "You did get some expensive stuff.. But you will like it. " He smiled.

"ITS TIME FOR EVERYONE TO GO TO BED!!!!" Eleanor,Harry,Zayn and Liam came in.

"NO SHIT SHERLOCK! WE ARE GOING TO BED.. B-BUT CAN'T WE SLEEP BY THE TREE" I smirked naughtly. "I wana see santa." I looked at Harry who was smirking at me dirtyly and I nodded.

"Yeah Jenna you can sleep by the tree." Harry left after saying goodnight. Then mom and dad, Zayn and Liam. Me and the girls looked at each other before chaning into real clothes again. The shops would be open just a little longer. I grabbed my freshly charged phone,the money i had been saving and slowly crept down stairs

"HARRY!" i whipser yelled. "HARRY WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?" I whisper yelled again. Katie giggled and then Alex screamed we all quickly put our hands over her mouths. Harry left a note saying we went shopping for 'personal stuff' I giggled and hugged Harry.

"You are offical my new favorite." I kissed his cheek.

"Thank you. I am so great aint I? Can I get that on the lips love?" I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Harry. Niall would Personally KILL you." Me,Alex, and Katie Chimed in at the same time. We turned on the radio and it started to play Gotta Be You. I looked at Harry who was singing softly so we took turns singing everyones part expect Harrys'.

We finally got to the mall. We split up into teams. Me and Harry went together while Alex and Katie went together. Why we had teams like that? 1. Harry knows guy stuff Niall would like 2. Harry needs to get a gift for Gemma and he asked me for help. 3. I expect presents from Katie and Alex and Harry said he already got my stuff. This was gonna be one fun christmas.

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