Chapter 32: Talking Dirty and Walking Kid.

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Jenna P.O.V*

Lucas seems to be getting bigger and bigger everytime I turn around. He is almost to the age of talking. All the boys are trying to get him to say there names first. Luke is in the lead though. Michael and Ashton then Calum. But they want my poor baby to say there whole first name. These guys need to understand he is still a baby and he can barely say mom or mommy. He is still super cute though.

Luke takes pride in holding him up on his own 2 feet and holding his hands while they walk around the bus. I seriously am so lucky to have these guys love my baby as much as I do. The only we have been having and issues is the cussing. We all have tried stopping. Ash even got a jar for when we swear to put money in. Michael has put in atleast $60, Luke is close behind him i think at $50, Calum is at $50 just this morning he put 10 bucks in for saying 10 swear words, Ashton has been the only good one only putting in 5 so far.

The rest of the boys still go out and have fun and everything I try to stay out of the public eye now. I still hang out with my mom, Eleanor, and my friends who I haven't seen in a while. We still chat on the phone touring makes its hard to actually see people who aren't fans but friends. I hope that Lucas' first word is something cute instead of whateveryone else is betting on it being. The word people are betting is the word dad. I know that ONE DAY I will have to Lucas that is father,Niall, was an asshole about the whole pregnanc and stuff but still loves him.. I don't know how to tell a almost 1 year old that. I feel that is more Niall's deal then mine.

Right when I sat down to rest a little on the bus the boys come running on all hyped up about some videogame. I mentally roll my eyes because they are such boys. I groan and then next thing I know Lucas is crying.

"Aw its okay buddie. Sorry Daddy and his friends were just being loud." I heard Luke say softly to the small child who was asleep in the lounge area on the bus.

"Thanks for getting him Luke," I paused for a second because I yawned, "I really mean it. You'd make a good dad one day." I yawned again and then put my arms out incause he wanted to hand me Lucas. I understood if he wanted to play the video game with the boys.

"No I got him, Go rest and me and the boys will take care of him." He kissed my lips softly,He then chuckled as Lucas was making baby noises.

I nodded and went to the bunks. I climbed into my bunk and laid there for what felt like 10 minutes. Mikey then came skipping through the bunk area and I just happened to be rolled over on my side and saw this. I started to laugh, Mikey then stopped and turned and peeked into my bunk.

"Is someone laughing beause a certain baby said my name first instead of everyone else?" He said and raised and eyebrow at me. I just rolled me eyes

"Mikey I hardly doubt he said your name first." I said swiftly.

I started to climb out of the bunk. Thats when I fell right flat on my face and made a loud thud. I was pulled up by Mikey when Calum and Ashton came running in. I had blood on my shirt and my nose hurt. Calum made a face that told me I didn't look good. Ashton freaked out the sight of blood. I was quickly handed something to try to stop the bleeding. I groaned and sat down as Ashton got a butter knife out from a cabinet. He put it the handle part on the back of my kneck.

"Just stay calm and breath in and out of your mouth for a few. Your nose will stop bleeding soon." He held the knife there. It stopped bleeding 2 short minutes later. I don't understand the trick but whatever. He moved the towel and touched my nose.

"Does that hurt Jen?" He said and was kinda of being gentle with me.

"No it doesn't." I said and then he slowly put 2 fingers grabbing the bridge of my nose and that hurt like hell. "Shit as that hurts!" I exclaimed and he moved his hand away. He nodded at Calum. Calum groaned.

"Don't kill me but you you broke your nose so uh Doctor Ashton is going to fix it by snapping it back into place." Cal said and I shook my head.

"To hell you are ashton. Just go get the stage doctor and have him do it. Please." I said softly.

Mikey lucky went and got him while me and Ashton argued over who was going to fix me nose. The doctor came in and fixed my nose. Luke came out with Lucas then quickly went back into the longe. Once the doctor finished with my nose. I said thank you and went to check on Luke and Lucas. Lucas was crying quite loudly. I put my arms out for him and Luke put Lucas in mine. I rocked Lucas until he was almost asleep. I ran my hand through his little blonde hair. He got his blonde hair from me. That's when the unthinkable happend.

"Mamma." He said and smiled kinda happily and poked my nose. It kinda hurt I will admit but it was so cute.

"Did he just say?" Luke question and I nodded frantically.

"Lucas can you say that again buddy?" I said and turned him to look at Luke and me and he poked my nose.

"Mamma." He said in a cheerful baby voice. I smiled and kissed his head. I thought about when he gets bigger. Thats when I noticed Mikey standing in the door way smiling.

"Told you he said Mikey first." He smiled and I got his hint. I hugged him.

"Thanks Mikey it made me feel a little bit better." I put Lucas on the floor and he sat there waiting for people to move so he can crawl.

"It was luke's idea." He said and I smiled and kissed Luke.

"Thanks Handsome. It means alot." I said and kissed him again. Me and Luke started to make out when the guys started to groan.

"Get a room guys we don't want to see you to fucking each other infront of the baby." Calum said and I glared at hims as Lucas start to try to repeat the words he was hearing.

"CALUM THOMAS HOOD 10 BUCKS PLEASE!" Ashton said to proudly and put out his hand as Calum handed him 10 bucks. "Thank you very much sir. also Jenn you owe me 5."

I groaned and handed him 5 bucks from Luke's wallet. Mikey sat on the floor with Lucas who was giggling and trying to get him to not say a bad word.

"Fuke." Lucas said trying to say fuck. I looked at calum and shook my head.

"Calum Hood. I should make you child monitor for the rest of today." I smiled and Calum groaned. He didn't like changing his diaper. Thats when Luke decided to speak up.

"Yeah I think You guys watch Lucas and I take the princess out to dinner. Cause I think she needs a date night." Luke smiled down and me and I smiled up at him kissing him.

"I love you Luke." I whispered on his lips.

"I love you too Jenna." He said and I smiled.

"Oh you would you two PLEASE get a room." Mikey said and was covering Lucas' eyes and he tried to move his head around to have the hand removed. We just stood there looking at everyone smiling and giggling. This was truly perfect expect for maybe Fuke.

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