Chapter 20: Luke or Niall

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Luke's Pov*

Jenna was beautiful like beyond beautiful she made me feel this flame inside me that I never felt before. What am I thinking. She is pregnant and its Niall's baby. She is probably really happy with Niall. Ugh! Luke don't get yourself to attached cause you will just end up hurting yourself. Why did I kiss her? Wait she kissed back. When we kissed I felt sparks and felt happy. What is going on? Why do I feel this way? What is wrong with me?

Jenna's Pov*

I looked up at Luke who had this dumb smile on his face but apparently I had one on my face to. I just stared up at his beautiful blue eyes. What am I saying? I love Niall don't I? Luke slowly dropped his gaze to the floor and slowly took my hand. I tired to tug my hand away but there's no way from getting away from it. That's when his phone started to ring. He seemed to get upset and let go of my hand and answer his phone. Jenna this is your chance, you have to go now. Its now or never.

I start walk through the crowd and push through people to get to the doors. I didn't know that luke was following me with Ashton following him. I guess Calum and Michael were still shopping. I kept walking until I heard my name being shouted that's when I ran. The boys had out run me. Luke was no longer on his phone I take it that Ashton had called him. I had tears on my face when I looked at Luke. He just put his hands on my face and wiped my tears away using his thumbs. Ashton put a around my shoulder and pulled me in a hug then Luke did the same.

"I have to do this guys. I-I can't keep it Luke. Niall will leave or I'll be sent back. It'll tear them apart" I said choking on tears and Ashton looked at me confused. While Luke just shook his head.

"I can't stop you but, I do want you to know that I am gonna to be with you through everything." Luke wiped the last of my failing tears and Ashton removed his arm from me. Luke pulled me close to his chest and I sobbed.

Michael and Calum joined us out in the parking lot. Ashton had texted them saying something was up. The only reason I knew was because he accidentally sent it to Luke too. Luke had checked his phone when it went off. I sobbed into Calum's chest when he came running up to me and he held me in his arms. I felt like such a baby. I don't even want to know what it's like to be a mum. I am to young. I made a mistake. This shouldn't be happening to me. We all got into the Car awkwardly. Of course Michael had to break the awkward silence.

"So what exactly happened to make you so upset Jenna? If you don't mind me asking.." Michael looked at me with a slight be of worriedness in his voice. I sighed knowing I would have to tell eventually.

"I-I am pregnant." This caused Ashton to break quick and come to a hault in the middle of the street.

"You asked us to drive you to the mall so you could run away?!" He sounded upset with me.

"No Ashton its not that. Not at all." I looked at Luke and begged him to speak and not me.

Luke Pov*

Jenna looked at me with her beautiful eyes. I almost can't tell them no. I don't want Ash to get mad at me. I have feelings to Jenna. I just don't want her to get hurt. I really don't. I feel like this is more of her time to talk instead of mine. I look at Calum who looks slightly upset too. I guess who figured out why she asked now. I sighed and spoke.

"Ashton she asked for us to come beacuse she was going to get an abortion." I said and looked at Jenna taking her hand and giving it a squeeze.

Ashton now looked deathly pale. I could tell her regreted yelling at Jenna. He looked at me and then at Jenna and sighed. I looked at Michael who had big eyes and looked a little shocked.

"There is no way that you are pregnant." Michael was slightly surprised I guess you could say. "Your so tiny Jen. there is no way." Michael repeated and sighed.

Jenna looked at Michael and cried. This was going to be a long day a long long day.

Jenna's Pov*

Ashton started to drive again this made me feel slightly uneasy. I squeezed luke's hand and Michael looked at me oddly. Calum put his arm around me and Luke just continued to hold my hand until the tears stopped. Thats when Michael looked at me and said the last thing I expected.

"I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I think you should keep the child. Wheather the father is in your life or not. It doesn't give you a right to kill a life.." He said and Luke sighed I heard him it was quite loud and Calum slapped him with his free hand. I sighed knowing that Michael was right

"It's not your fault you guys would have found out eventually its not like you can hide being pregnant. Michael you do have a point. I should kill the child just because its alive. It just I am thinking about all the harm it is going to do to everyone else. You guys wont be able to sleep in and it will just be crazy and I am not ready to be a mum." I sniffled feeling like I was going to cry again. I don't know why I feel so upset. If this is what being pregnant feels like. I feel bad for every pregnant woman out there that has these emotions and hormons cause they sucks.

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