Chapter 48: Tears Hemmings

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Jenna's P.O.V***

Nightmare. The word for the dream I was having. In the dream I couldn't stop it. Luke laid on the ground as Ashton kept kicking him over and over. No one stopped him. I knew Ash could get mad but not the kind of mad that this dream made him seem. I screamed and it was like no one cared. I wanted it to stop. Finally Luke started to cough up blood. Thats when I woke up.

I woke up with a sweaty face and was panting. I looked around the room. Luke was beside me sound asleep. I looked at him and sighed I put my head on his chest and he wiggled a little before opening his eyes.

"Hey baby whats wrong?" He said and sat up slowly. He ran his fingers through his hair and I just smiled softly. Should I tell him about my dream? No.

"Nothing I just woke up at an unusual time." I looked over at our phones charging. My phone started to play little white lies and I couldn't help but sing along. Luke just watched me as I sang loudly to the song.

"Little white lies." Luke finally chimed in and sang with me.

"If this room was burning, I wouldn't even notice. Cause you've been taking my mind with your little white lies little white lies." I sang loudly as, Louis came and was knocking on my door saying breakfast was ready.

Me and Luke me our way about getting the babies ready as it was mainly me and Alex while Luke got Lucas ready. I smiled as we could now share baby clothes to tell our kids apart other then the fact that I had 1 boy and 2 girls. They were identical yes but they were not in my eyes I could see the difference other then the color of clothes I placed them in. I was so happy to finally have some girls with us now. I looked over at the other 2 girls that were known as Lila and Lizzie. I watched as Mikey came in and stole them away from Alex running around with them. I just started to laugh as Luke came and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"They are perfect for each other." I said and smiled up at him. He bent down and kissed me.

"Hemmings we don't need anymore children thank you very much!" Calum shouted from the door way strartling us all.

"Holy shit Calum. You could have made Michael drop his kids." Alex said and me and Luke hushed her. "Don't hush me you swear to." She said and pointed at us. Luke put his hands up in surrender.

"Alex I will be down stairs with these 4 and then the other 8 of them. I think you will be able to handle these 3." I gestured to michael and their twins. "While I am getting stuff ready." I said and chuckled as Luke grabbed 2 babies.

"You can't always be super mom sometimes even super mom needs help." He whipsered in my ear and I smirked.

"Goodmorning loves." Liz said as we all walked into the dinning room.

"Morning mum." said the 5SOS boys. I just chuckled

"Goodmorning Liz." I said and smiled and Ashton mouth the words 'kiss ass' to me and I rolled my eyes.

"Morning did you have a nice night?" She said and help luke place the babies in their weird carrier highchair type things.

"Thanks." Luke said and then just shrugged. "It was like ever other night. Peaceful because I was with this girl." He said and pointed at me.

"NANA!" Lucas screamed and made me jump slightly. Ashton smiled cheekily as he has been teaching him words since I was busy with the triplets alot and Luke had writing and recording and it was really a joint effort to raise these kids.

"Yes sweetie." Liz said and lucas just looked at her in awe before hugging her leg. I awed and mental wanted to start sobbing. I did start to cry it was the sweetest thing I had ever seen. Luke looked at me and came over and put his plate down on the table and put his hands on my face and then wrapped me in a tight hug. He held me close to his body saying things like 'its okay' and 'jenna tell me whats wrong'.

"Nothing Luke its just. Lucas is my baby and h-he just he is growing up and i just noticed how big he is and I remember him as a tiny baby and its like in a few years he will be a kid and just I don't want him to grow up." I said and Liz looked at me and picked up Lucas handing him to his uncle Ashton who he adored. Before she came and hugged me and pulled me in the kitchen

"They do grow up fast don't they?" She said and got my a glass of water.

"They grow up fast because we raise them right and because its a fact of life. I wish Luke would have stayed little for forever he was the cutest little kid and he was so sweet then he became a teenager and I was so for sure that one day something would happen and I wouldn't be able to save him. The band saved him and You saved him. Those kids are saving him."Liz said in a motherly tone and warpped me in a hug.

"I can't thank you enough." She said and rubbed my back. Louis walked into the kitchen and looked at me and Liz then went and got my mum. Mum wrapped me in a hug and asked what had happened I just wiped my eys again.

"Just noticing Lucas is growing up and how big he is and wishing he was still that tiny baby who 'annoyed' the boys and calum called the soccer star." I said and my eyes started to water again. "Sorry." I said probably looking like a mess. At some point Luke walked in and smiled softly and wiped my tears and held my hand.

"Jen he will always be your and Niall's baby and he will always thinking of us as his dad's/uncles but he will ALWAYS be your baby and in my eyes he will always being a Hemming." Luke kissed out hands.

"Hemmings! Their are too many of you in this house!" My mom said and I chuckled softly.

"Look she is smiling guys!" Ashton cheered from the other room with Lucas and Calum. I nodded and gave the boys a thumbs up.

"Let's eat some breakfast now okay?" Luke said and I nodded.

"Okay." I said and got my breakfast.

I sat at the dinning table by Luke and Liz. my mum and dad sat beside each other Dani and Liam sat beside each other like so and so forth. I smiled at the table as we all happily chatted up with each other and joked. These really were the best people in the world. I watched as everyone around was smiling and everything. Finally, Calum stood up and said something that would shock everyone.

"I have a gf." He said and bowed. Everyone smiled and congratulated him before Ashton stood.

"I also have a gf now." Ashton sat back down and ate his food then went upstairs.

"Calum what is your gf's name?" I said cocking my head to the side.

"Thats for me and her to know and for you to find out. You will meet her soon enough." He said with a cocky smile. I just looked a little terrified at him but I smiled back.

"He name is Siara." Luke said and Calum threw his hands up in the air frustrated.

"Thanks Hemmings." Calum said and I rolled my eyes at their maturity.

"But is all seriousness you will meet her soon enough." Calum said and at that moment the door bell rang.


So this is for my good friend who is awesome and yeah. Hope you enjoy guys VOTE and Comment. Love you and Comment on this for the contest. Contest info is on my wall.

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