Chapter 36: Hospitals oh Hospitals

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Luke's P.O.V***

I could read based off his body language he was trying to impress Jenna. I just shrugged an ran my hand over her stomach. The doctors had said that It wouldn't have affected the baby because she is only about a month along. I smiled as a nurse comes in and checks out all the equipment she is hooked up to. Jenna is told what is for lunch and is told to pick. She frowns at the choices but then again I would too. The only thing I would eat would be the pudding but then again even that can be bad. She ordered something to eat which made me proud. I knew she would probably bug me or Michael into going down and getting something better for her later maybe as a snack or something.

I look at Lucas who is asleep in my arms. He was just babbling to himself a few moments ago. He is really a cute baby. I think I will be more thankful when Jen has our kid. I can't wait to be a dad even though I am kinda already a dad to Lucas. I mean this kid with be half mine and I will love him so so much. I can't even believe this happened I mean we are so young. It wasn't exactly planned but I am not going to call what we made a mistake that is just wrong on so many levels. I mean it was meant to be and I can't stop that force. that and maybe the force from lust.

Jenna started to play with my hands and tried to sit up as she was coughing now. I patted her on her back. I also placed Lucas up on the bed beside her as he was now awake. He hugged onto his mother for dear life. I wonder how kinds know when things or right or wrong. It has always amazed me Lucas is seriously going to be the best big brother in the world. I can already see him trying to protect his younger sibling. He clung to Jen as her coughing died down.

Niall had left the room holding Alexandria's hand. I had talked to her for a little while in the waiting room. She was qiuet nice but her and Niall kept talking about some 'plan' or something. I think they are trying to break us up. I am going to make sure and do everything in my power to make sure that will not happen to me and Jen. Jen is my life and our baby is going to be me life also just like Lucas is. I hope he or she is as beautiful as Jen. There was a knock at the door that startled me. It was Louis.

"Luke I wanted to say sorry for how I acted earlier. I didn't mean to hurt you or Jenna. I was just upset I didn't think that you guys were planning to tell anyone and keep it a secret. I guess even though Jenna may not be mine from DNA and stuff I still love her like she is min-." Louis went on a rant so I cut him off.

"I understand Lucas isn't mine but I love him like he is mine and You'd do everything and anything for Jen. I'd do the same for Lucas." I said and looked at the boy who was sitting with his mother while she ate her supper.

Michael walked in with some Nandos. This caused Niall to run in and look at us funny.

"Is everyone cool are we going to fight again." He said and tried to take food from Michael. That was a bad mistake on his part considering Michael had a plastic fork in his hand. He stabbed him in the hand.

"I do not share food Horan. I will share food with 2 things. My mouth and my stomach." Mikey said and caused us to laugh. I smiled as jenna pouted wanting some food. Michael groaned and decided to share with Jenna.

"What is this the famous Michael Gordon Clifford sharing food with The Jenna Tomlinson?"Ashton question as Calum put his hands on his chest hurt.

"Well I am gravely offended I have been your mate for years and she has been for about a few months and you will share with her and not me. What happened to Malum!" Cal cried and I shook my head at my crazy friends.

"Oh shut up Cal he is just trying to get rid of the taste of the hospitals cardboard food." Jenna spoke up and started to feed Lucas her apple sauce.

"Aye Aye Aye. We got baby food for him You eat your food and I am pretty sure Mikey will keep sharing if he feels like it." I said and took Lucas away from his mom which caused him to start crying. "Look at me little man Its okay its dada." I said and poked his nose placing him on my one him.

I started to get a stare down from Niall and rolled my eyes at his immaturity. I turned around and faced him and gave him a soft smile. Lucas started to play with my hair

"Hey there Mr. why don't you go to your real daddy for a few." I said and passed him to Niall.

Niall's face lit up like a kid at christmas time. He held Lucas almost identical to how I was. I pointed at Niall and tired to get him to say Daddy or Dada. But Lucas just kept pointing at me. Niall wasn't really offended by this. I was glad. When Alexandria came in she went and stood beside Calum.

"I have something to say Jen. I don't mean this as an aim at you but why did you stop talking to me?" Alex said and Jen stopped eating and turned pale. I thought because Mikey was in between he would stab Alex.

"Cause I was afraid of telling you and you freaking out and hating me or something. I now know that it was stupid and not true I am sorry." She said and went back to eating and not looking up again.

"I am sorry too." Alex said and kissed Mikey's cheek. Mikey turned crimson red. Causing him to a lot of stares

"What?" He asked and went back to eating quickly then throwing it in the bin when he was done.

"So I guess this kinda sucks a welcome home type thing Jen but we are glad your home baby girl." El went up and kissed her head and she smiled.

"Mum I am a mum. I am glad to be home. But, My home is where ever you all are. You are my family and now one can get rid of or replace this family." She said and I thought to myself how proud I was to call her my gf.

The doctor came in and told Jen she could go home tomorrow. The boys all left to go home and get some sleep. I forced Ashton to take Mikey and Cal with him along with Lucas. I stayed up in the room with Jen.

"You know you didn't have to stay right Luke?" she said and I just shook my head.

"I want to stay with my beautiful gf and baby." I said and stripped my shirt off.

The cold hospital air him my stomach and i got goosebumps. Jen noticed and offered me some room on her bed. I took and wrapped around her body.

"I love you so much Jen. I have something to ask you but I want to wait til everyone is here. Sorry I just want everyone to know." I said and she looked at me confused.

"What do you mean Luke?" She looked at me confused and I just smiled.

"You will find out soon enough my love." I said and then kissed her good night. I hope she says Yes to being my love and my wife.

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