Chap. 13: One Pissed off Louis

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Louis P.O.V*

Jenna's Pregnancy and drug test were both negative. Niall's drug test was negative too. He seems kind of pissed off at me lately. Jenna got sick the other day. I sighed and helped Liam clean up the mess she had made. She has been spending alot more time with Niall lately. Its not that i am really upset about that its just. I don't want her to lose her innonce at a young age.

Jenna's P.O.V*

Niall sat the bed staring at me. I just put my hands over my ears. Niall looked at me weird. I just held my ears for a few seconds until the ringing in my ears went away.

"Ni?" I laid down and he wrapped his arm arond me.

"Hm?" He pecked my cheek.

"Do you think dad is mad at me still?" I sighed. me and my father haven't really talked much lately.

"No Jen. I don't think he is mad at you. He may be mad at me."

"Ni,why would he be mad at you. I mean really. I am his daughter and your his bestfriend. Ohh." It finally clicked in my head that he probably didn't want me to date his best friend and band mate.

"I am so sorry I made Lou hate you." I covered my face"You must hate me now too." I crumbled and he just giggled softly at me.

"Jen I don't hate you. Your to much like me to hate." He kissed my temple and I felt butterflies.

"Can we go get food?"

"Uh," He checked his phone and groaned, "Dinner should have been done at least and hour ago. So yes we are going to go to Nandos and get food."

"Okay!" I cheered and got up. I was wearing Jeans and one of Niall's t-shirts but I didn't really care.

"Aren't you gonna change babe?"

"No. I thought this looked okay? Doesn't it?" I asked and he shrugged. Ugh Boys are SOO complicated.

"Well i am going like this wether you like it or not." Niall smirked and fixed his hair and I let out a laugh, "Become Zayn now?"

Niall shook his head and he told the lads and my parents where we were going. They all told us to be carefully. I put on my jumper and headed out the door. On the way to Nandos their were tons of reporters and stuff asking who I was. They all seemed to be screaming at me. I heard all the rude comments. I sighed and tried to blow them off. One of them pulled my hair and almost pulled me down it hurt so bad. Niall went and grabbed me pulling my into Nandos. We ate their then called Paul to come help us get out. Paul soon arrived.

"YAY PAUL TO THE RESCUE!" we screamed and hugged him. He just sighed.

"Niall can you handle your way out?" Paul asked and Niall shrugged.

"Just protect Jen." He said that and it made my heart beat really fast.

Paul picked us both up and took us to the car. He asked if we wanted to go anywhere. I said No and Niall said No way to many people gonna follow. We had to loose them so it took us EXTRA long to get home. I sighed it was almost 1 am when we got home I got no sleep. Mom,Dad,Li,Zayn,and Haz had all called and texted me a million times asking were I was. I slowly handed the phone to Paul and he sighed.

"Do you want me to call them?" He asked and I nodded.

"Call who? Baby is everything alright." Niall asked sounding very concerned.

"Yeah everything is fine I just missed EVERYONE'S call to me! Mom and dad are gonna go insanse." I put my hands over my face then I heard Paul's voice. He had called them for me. For being a body graud he was gonna be my new best friend.

"Yes Louis they are okay. Fans just surrounded Nandos. Jenna got some minor scratches Niall is perfectly fine. No they aren't going to the hospital. We are on the way to the flat now. Okay we will see you guys soon." Paul hung up and handed me the phone. It was silent for a couple minutes..

"Thank you." I looked at him and he just smiled at me.

"You haven't giving me much hell yet as long as you aren't influenced much by the boys I think you may turn out fine. Don't expect me to do that again." He flashed me a smile again. I moved over and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you soo much!" Niall pulled on my waist and told me to put my seatbelt on again. For being in a limo,I didn't think they would have seatbelts but I guess they do. Oh well I acted like I put it on. Thats when the car came to a screeching halt and I fell forward hitting my head on the floor.

"Ow." I got up and Niall giggled.

"I told you to put your seatbelt on silly." He put it on me and I put his on him.

We held hands and waited the long ride home. Niall carried me in and placed me on the bed. Lou came screaming when we came in. Paul hushed him and picked him up taking him into a different room. I wasn't really asleep but it seemed like I was. Niall left me on the bed and then went in and, I am guessing they all had a 'chat'. I hear lots of yelling. I sighed and decided it would be best if i not got up. I got up and went in to the bathroom. I took of my my make-up. I changed my clothes in the middle of changing,Niall walked in. I kind of was shocked but I didn't say anything.

"Do you want me to leave?" he asked.

"I don't care. I mean you were evenutally gonna see my naked." I smirked having dirty thoughts in my head. I guess he did too because he smirked picking me up and laying me on the bed before taking his clothes off.

"Do you want to you know do it?" He asked like it was nothing.

"I don't care just remember your my first." I kissed his cheek.

"Don't worry your mine too." He kissed my cheek and whispered it in my ear.

1 Hour Later

We had sex. It was amazing. I know not something I should really be saying right? If Anyone finds out other then us we will probably be killed or something. I don't know,I don't really care at the moment. I guess i am kind of on cloud 9. I guess that all I call really say. It was pretty good. I though between us bothing moaning we were going to wake up everyone. I told him to be quiet and he just smirked. We promised not to leave anything Noticeable on our body's. I am pretty sure I have a hickey on my stomach or some place. I got up and stretched Niall smirked at me. His morning voice let me just tell you. Boys with children = Adorbale. Niall's morning voice= 5 times as cute.

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