Chapter 54: Toddle Toddle

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Luke's P.O.V***

Lucas was full of engery for the second concert. I watched him until I had to leave to go on stage. The tirplets I feel were getting so big when in reality they were still babies in my eyes. I ran on stage and I sudden felt all the energry that Lucas had.

When I got off stage I meet him and he was now tired when I still had the rush of energry. I smiled and put him on the floor. He started to walk around the dressing room. I went and took a quick shower changing into different clothes on. I met up with Jenna. She was chasing after the kids who were managaing to start to army crawl. I picked the girls up in my arms and attatcked them with kisses.

"Hey thats not fair wher are mine." Jenna pouted.

"MM I think I just ran out of kisses." I said and she acted really hurt kissing baby Ashton's face.

"Where my kissy!" He says and looks at both of us. We get down and kiss him on the cheeks then kiss each other.

Jenna ask for help putting the kids to bed. I can't help but help her. I smile and then help her into bed. I smile and kiss her softly

"Think we will be at a hotel soon." I say and she smiles brightly at me.

"Yay. Hotel." Jenna said as we heard the little patter of footsteps again.

"I will watch him tonight you need to sleep until we reach the hotel." I say and go to get Lucas.

I went and looked at Lucas who was smiling cheekily up at me. He clapped his hands then pulled himself up and toddled over to the bench before pulling himself up to sit on that.

"What you doing cheeky boy." I say as I felt the bus jerk slightly. It was headed toward the hotel.

Lucas got out a soccer ball.

"Play daddy." He said and handed it to me. I smiled softly and pulled him up beside me. I looked at the soccer ball he handed me. I looked at him and sighed.

"Daddy doesn't play." I say sotly causing him to pout.

"B-but moma plays with me." He said and looked at the ball sadly.

"Do you roll it back and forth?" I ask and he nods. "Okay, lets play." I say and get onto the floor he finally gets on the floor and we start to play.

Soon he falls bored and puts the ball up then cuddling into my side. He falls asleep pretty conently. I smile and kiss his forehead. The bus comes to a halut and I find out we are at the hotel. I help move everyone into rooms. Calum wants to room with me and Jen but I told him he would rather have a contecting room than sleep with us and our kids. I knew based on just being on the bus they would be waking up soon.

Once into the hotel Lucas was now fast asleep. I laid him in his own bed then carried Jenna in some bags into the hotel was Ash helpped moved the kids into the room along with the cradel thing we have. It was quite cold in the room so I turned on some heat. Jenna soon woke up and helped feed the triplets. We then cuddled into bed together. I watched as her breathing went steady again and she laid their peacefully then I finally went along to into the driftly palace I called sleep.

Jenna's P.O.V***

I woke up in the hotel room. I saw a note on the bedside table. I assumed it was from Luke. I groaned and I was right. Luke has also texted me saying everyone had gone down to dinner and to not worry. I chuckle softly at the boys. They had even taken the triplets with them.

I got ready and then headed down stairs. I finally found them at the breakfest buffet. I noticed Mikey sitting with his head on the table looking quite dead this morning. Alex looked the same. I smirked and wiggled my eyebrows at them and she groaned then pulled me to the side.

"Someone have fun last night?" I say and she glares at me.

"Shut up." She groaned and stomped her foot slightly. "How do you even know?"

"Hun Michael still has sex hair." I say and she turns around and looks at him as him and Luke are probably having the same conversation as he is trying to fix it.

"Ugh. I thought he fixed it." She groaned as Calum walked up. Cal was holding onto Arielle's hands and holding her up as she walked around.

"Good morning lovely friends." Cal said then picked Arielle up and handing her to me. "I believe she is yours." He then walked away and Ashton walked up holding Abbigail. I looked at him with my eye brow raised.

"I believe she is yours." He said then patted my head and I glared at him.

He knew I hated that. I looked around for who had baby Ashton then. I looked around and Alex just chuckled as both Lila and Lizzie were in high chairs by the guys hitting away at the table and the guys were making silly noises at them. It was adorable in every way. I kept looking for baby Ashton. I then noticed that Liz had him. He was asleep and I sighed.

I asked for someone to pull up to highchairs. The waitress finally did. But, before she pulled them up to our table. She made sure all the boys were okay with having 2 more high chairs over at our table and if I was really with them. They all looked at her like she was a little insane and said I was and that they didn't mind. She brought them over and ran one into my leg.

"Oops sorry." She giggled and smirked at me.

"Yeah bet your fucking sorry." I mumbled then placed Arielle and Abbigail into the high chairs.

"Atleast I am not a whore." She said softly Liz clearly heard and looked up at her with surprise.

"Excuse you what did you just call me?" I said and looked at her confused.

"Nothing ma'am." She said and walked over to Luke and started to flirt. Luke didn't seem intrested which just made her try harder. She then walked back over to were I had my hand up.

"Yes whore." She said quite loudly now Calum heard it and looked over and Luke glaring at him to get his attention. Luke finally looked up and looked at him like what. "Excuse you whore what did you want?" She said and shook her head at me.

"I would like water but since I am such a 'WHORE' and its your issue getting me water. Maybe I should just leave." I said.

I picked up Arielle and Abbigail. I got up and started to leave when Luke got up with me. I looked at him and raised my eye brow. Liz was taking baby Ashton up to our room. I looked at Luke as we got in the elevator.

"Surprised I mean more than the band for once." I said softly with my voice breaking.

"Jenna you will ALWAYS mean more to me then the band." He said and looked at me trying to take one of the kids but I didn't let him he looked at me confused.

"You know you won't defend me and you just want to keep quiet but you will announce we got married and shit at concerts but you won't stick up for me infront of your friends when a waitress that your PAYING! Is being a bitch and calling YOUR wife things and you don't say anything. Then maybe we aren't on the same page Luke. Maybe this is all just I don't a mistake because I am a whore." I said and walked into the room and put on the lock so he couldn't get in.

"Jenna let me in." He said and banged on the door.

"Just go be with the band and the fans since they mean so much got be with that waitress!" I said now crying.

I noticed that Ashton had snuck upstairs and was holding baby Ash. He placed in the crib thing and sat on the bed. He looked at me and slowly took Arielle and Abbigail from placing them in the other crib. He then wrapped me in a tight hug and locked the other door.

"Shh Jen its okay. Its okay." He said into my ear. I just kept crying.

I felt like I myself should take the advice of some of the hate. I am a whore so why should I be here.. Why me??



Sorry really short filler update their will be more added on later its just I got out of the hospital yesterday I don't feel quite to well. So I mean I guess this will work for now.

10/8/14 it was fixed guys please update and comment!

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