Chap 14: I really wanna love somebody.

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Jenna's POV*

I got up and I turned on music this morning. Something I haven't did in a while. It started playing Love Somebody by maroon 5. Yes i am in love with them. Nial was in the shower in his room. Someplace I feel like he never goes anymore unless it just to get clothes or his guitar. I smiled and started dancing like an Idiot. Alex was over and So was Katie. My friends! We all started dancing and they provoked me to sing.

" I REALLY WANNA LOVE SOMEBODY" Katie sang screaming it causing alex to


"I KNOW WERE ONLY HALF WAY THEIR BUT YOU CAN TAKE ME ALL THE WAY!" I followed along with the screaming of the song. I finished singing the song with my 2 amgias. Right before the song stopped 6 heads came threw the door clapping and we all screamed.

"AHH!" Alex fell and hid in the close. Katie ran to the bathroom and I threw myself on the bed.

"Its only us!" The boys and Eleanor say in sync. Talk about some scary shit.

"Jennieboo why didn't you tell us you could sing?!" Harry looks at me like I have lost my mind.

"BECAUSE!" I look at Alex who comes out of the closet. Lol I AM SOO DIRTY MINDED! Katie came out of the bathroom.

"Jenna You MOST certainly do not suck at singing." everyone says.

"I DON'T LIKE SINGING!" I screamed and then mummbled, "jesus."

Everyones eyes were on me. Jesus what did I do now. Why can't people just accpect the fact that i do what I want. I mentally frowned and I guess it turned out to be a real frown. I wanted to slap them all but I couldn't be I love them all too much.

"Jenna why are you frowning?" Zayn ask. I Throw my head back. Images go away! I covered my ears and started to cry.

I had my ears covered I was pleading with the thoughts in my head.'please go away. Go away' I kept crying I felt hands on my back and I heard the boys yelling trying to get my to look at them. I could see them and I heard their muffled voices. The thoughts in my head are taking over. All I could do is get up and run. I stood up and all eyes on were on me. I slowly put my hands away from my ears. They imagines and thoughts were finally starting to fade back to the back of my mind.

" I-I am sorry I-I jus-" I was cut off my Louis.

"Jenna what happened what made you like panic and freak out?!" He sounded enraged.

"I-I-I can't explain it.." I lookd down playing with my fingers and I felt Alex and Katie's eyes still on my body "Please stop staring at me I-I am not insane." I closed my eyes tightly and instantly felt a hug from 7 different people. I was being squished in the center. I found Niall from the smell of his clone. I put my hand out for him but he didn't take it so I went around the circle and gave hugs.

"Jenna we aren't gonna let anything hurt you. Expecially yourself." Liam spoke. He really is daddy directioner. I rolled my eyes and him and Niall slapped me upside the head. He got many glares from all over the room . I was kinda hurt by him slapping me upside the head but I knew what it was for.

"Can we stay the night?" Alex piped up smirking at Harry and Zayn and they just got big eyes like uhh.

"Yeah loves you can stay." Eleanor walked in.

"Hey mom the boys where you know just annyoying me mainly dad though." I said that and she shook her head.

"Thats normal for louis Hun your father is that." She giggled causing me to giggle and then Alex and Katie stood their in awe.

"Y-Your E-Eleanor Calder." They both choked out at once and I facepalmed. It was bad enough my 'Parents' meaning the boys expect Niall are famous but Eleanor is too.Yes, I already knew this but I didn't think it would be brain science for the other girls.

After the girls became smart everyone left expect for me and Niall. Niall stood their and I stood close by the door. I knew he would never do anything bad to me. I looked at my feet letting my hair brush into my face. It feels like me becoming a child again

"Jenna come here." Niall spoke softly like he wasn't going to hurt me like he did when he hit me. I slowly moved toward him and wrapped my arms around him beinging to cry. He held me close.

"Shh Its okay Jenna.. Shh" He pulled me on the bed and held me on his lap. I head foot steps coming toward the door. They soon passed. I looked at Niall with my puffy pink eyes and tear stained cheeks.

"W-Why did you hit me?" I asked softly,slowly trying to get myself to stop crying.

"I didn't mean to hit you as hard as I did Jenna. I am so sorry. If you want you can punch me or hit me with anything you could have the guys each hit me if you want. I didn't mean to hurt you." Niall brushed my hair out of my face. I looked at him and kissed his soft lips. "Jenna I don't diserve you giving me another chance but thanks." He spoke softly into my neck.

"You were the only one who gave me a chance when no one else would." I kissed him and as we kissed the door opened to Harry.

"YOU GUYS ARE DATING!?" Alex,Katie and Harry Yelled in sync.

"Ugh! I didn't think it was brian surgery I thought you already knew!" I looked at Kaite and Alex.. Harry just smirked. "Styles if you wanna do any funny bussiness this is not the place to be." I smiled at him. He soon left and the girls slowly grabbed their stuff.

"Louis said we were going out to dinner so that means you have to get dressed." They looked at Ni will his hands on my hips. "Uh. Mr.Horan that means please get the fuck out!?" Katie said and Ni looked at her like she was insane.

"Who is this Mr.Horan?" Niall.. Niall... Niall why? provoke them.

"I need to get dressed Ni we will go change in your room." I grabed the close i wanted to wear and took Niall's hand going to his room.

As we walked out of my room I heard Katie and Alex scream "USE PROTECTION!". Ugh those girls are my life but sometimes they just really annoy me. I love them though like,I know I love Niall with all my life. I hope he loves me like that.

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