Chapter 56: Happy Life.

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Jenna's P.O.V***
I woke up to the sound of feet pattling across the floor of the rental house. I walked into the hallway to see luke, lucas and the twins running or should I say toddling around. I smiled at them and Luke just gave me a cheeky smile back. Lucas ran up to me and put his arms up. I picked him up him being my weakness.

"Goodmorning baby boy." I said and kissed his temple.

"Goodmorning mommy." He said and rested his head on shoulder.

"How is my favorite person in the world." Luke said and kissed me.

"I am wonderful where is everyone else?" I asked and Luke shrugged.

We walked downstairs to see the tripletts in a play pin and Mikey sitting playing video games with Calum. Ashton was in the kitchen cooking Alex was probably still asleep I smiled.

"Awe look all my favorite boys in the world!" I said and the guys looked at me and they ran and gave me a hug. Thats odd. They smiled and kissed my forehead.

"Just a few more days and then our own jenna and Mikey will be 19." They said and Alex walked down and jokingly made the coment.

"I hope your not cheating on me." she said and I jumped back from the hug. "Mhm what I thought." She said and rolled her eyes at me.

Had I mentioned she has been in a pissy mood lately. I don't think her and michael have had sex in a while. I just shrugged it off and ran off to tend to Lucas who was now sticky from something he had fond on the floor. Michael and Calum got into their usually bicker of the day and I sat Lucas in between the 2 screaming boys cause he could scream louder then all of them.

"Yes baby?" I said and picked him up. Luke ran in thinking they had offical lost their mind.

"Is lucas okay?" He said quite worried.

"Yeah he is fine he just wanted his uncles to stop fighting." I said calmly and looked at the boys fighting.

"Bad uncles!" Lucas exclaimed then ran off to the triplets in the play pin.

"He is something." Calum said and startled me. He started to laugh.

"You not funny Mr. Hood." I aaid and alex just looked at us and scoffed.

"Michael can you help me somewhere else in those house where these people arent?" Alex said and put her voice in a sickening tone.

Of coursed Michael followed like a lost puppy. I looked at them as they walked out of the room and gave Luke a face. He put his hands up to say 'let it go.' I rolled my eyes and put Lucas on the sofa and told Cal to please watch Lucas as I went to listen in on a conversation.

I started to walk down the hallway when I finally head the conversation. Ashton came up behind me and put his hands on my back. I jumped and tried to make my landing sound quietly but I was not sucessful. I turned around and glared at him.

"Ashton fucking Irwin, why the hell did you do that they probably know I am listening to the conversation. I wanna know why my bestfriend is being a bitch to me." I said and growled softly at him. He just smiled and put a finger to his mouth.

He walked down the hallway and stood in the doorway. They were not really talking Ashton then looked at me and montioned for me to come forward softly. I moved forward and say them maknig out. I looked at Ashton and whispered softly.

"Maybe she will stop being a bitch." I mumbled and ashton choke on air and started laughing.

"oh my lord jenna!" He said and stomped his foot causing Alex and Michael to sperate themselfs from each other.

"Oh sorry didn't notice you maybe you can continue to suck on each other's faces when you know YOU SHUT THE DOOR!" I said and decided to be the bitch now.

"Oh really so now your going to talk about me to my face instead of my back thats a first from you Jenna." She glared at me and stepped forward toward me with her fist up.

"Do it bitch punch me. Please!" I said.

The next thing I knew her fist collided with my nose. She jumped ontop of me and started punching me and scratching me. Ashton and Michael tried to seperate us. I pulled out a big chunk of her hair. I also got in a few good hits. She defaintly looked worse then me. I screamed out in pain when she broke one of my ribs I felt it snap so yeah I know that its broke.

"YOU WHORE! YOUR SUCH A WHORE THATS WHY YOU HAVE 2 BABY DADDIES ATLEAST I HAVE ONE!" Alex screamed at me and swung her feet as Michael had her by the arms.


"You bitch!" She said and tried her hardest to get away from Michael but he held her in place.

Luke ran down the hall way with Cal short behind him. They looked at the both of us and almost identical said "What the fuck happened."

"This bitch attatcked me and has been talking shit about me and about you guys and she hurt me when I confronted her about it!" She said and I then looked shocked and looked at Michael and glared strongly at him.

"Thats not what happened! " I screamed and Ash looked at me. I had tears on my face.

"Yes it is! She was talking about how she was getting with Niall!" Alex said and gave me this Luke. Luke looked at me appaled.

"Your getting wi-with niall?" Luke said softly looking at his fingers.

"NO I AM NOT!" I screamed and Cal looked at Mikey and Ash.

"Did either of you see what happened?" Cal asked as Alex was causing more issues between everyone. Expecially me and Luke.

"We both did. Didn't we Mikey?" Ash said and Mikey just looked shocked.

"yeah we did." He said softly an then let go of Alex. she stumbled forward and spit in my face and slapped me.

"Enjoy that love." She said and walked out to I guess her room.

Ash then let me go and I cried for a long time as Luke walked away from me a few feet. He looked more hurt then I was but it was a different kind of pain it wasn't the pain I was in. I looked at him almost pleading with the eyes I feel in love with.

"Luke please please believe me I am not getting with Niall. I see him as much as you do and as much as Lucas does nothing more nothing less. I promise Ash you saw what happened please tell him she went after me first!" I said and pleaded with Ashton.

"Alex did attack first but it was equal on both parts. They kind of both provoked it." Ashton said and Luke looked at Michael.

"Mike what did you see?" Luke asked and wiped under his eyes.

"Someone I don't know.." He mumbled and turned into the room slamming the door shut.

That was how the day pretty much went for a while. No one talking to each other no one wanting to know one another. No one speaking just the uncomfortable pressence whose name was hate and dislike.

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