Chapter 21: Unsung Hereo

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Jenna Pov*

Me and Luke would run off when no one is watching or knowing. I can not thank Michael,Calum,and Asthon enough. They have took me under there wing as like a little sister. Haha sometimes by doing the little things other times when someone looked like they were going to hurt me putting my behind there back. I love Luke the most though. He is my unsung hereo. He has been there but I think its because Niall found out I was pregnant and broke up with me.

As a matter of fact he got so mad he accused me of cheating, and went into a rage throwing a lamp from the nightstand to the floor. Needless to say, it broke into like a thousand little pieces. Calum was in the first in the room, He took care of my bleeding feet and scratched legs and screamed at Niall about how big of a dick he was being. Ash and Michael were almost tied. Luke had the longest run he ran from the kitchen all the way on the other side of the house in his boxers. Not saying I didn't enjoy the view. I had tears pouring down my face. The boys took me downstairs into the guest bathroom which is were all 5 of us were standing expect me of course, I had hoped up on the counter. Ash had the terrible job of pulling the little shards of class out of my foot. Mikey got to tell me how good I was doing, and how strong I was. While Calum held my legs/heel so I didn't kick Ashton in the face. Luke hugged me and whispered things in my ear that sent chills down my spine and he sounded almost as hurt as I was by this whole ordeal.

Afterwords the boys carried me from room to room. It was kind of funny Niall will come up to say something and there will be atleast 2 boys standing infront of me and one of them holding me. I think its a protective thing. Dad has been busy not really giving a fuck about me. I know your going to be like 'thats so not true' I mean really my bf partically put glass in my feet. I think Dad does care but mum couldn't come on tour. I feel like its me against the world right now. I wish I was someones. Ugh I wish I could just get this damn baby out of me I never wanted to have one in the first placce. I regret having sex with Niall. I regret living I regret not taking my life sooner.

I finished writing in my jonural when Mikey came up and messed up my hair.

"How is the princess today?" He had freshly dyed his hair. It fit him well.

"I am fine Mikey. I don't feel any different." I said. I felt really depressed and I didn't know why. Well I do but I just think its better we not talk about my life.

"Okay just checking sweetie." Mikey kissed my forehead and Luke wrapped an arm around my shoulders pulling me into a side hug and then, Calum and Ashton came in with confused looks on their faces. "I am okay I swear its just these 2 swear up and down something is up I think I am not so sure though." I spoke softly.

When the boys went and had there concert tonight I thought about the things I could do. I had some painkillers for the killer headacees I used to have when I first started to live with Louis. I hadn't told any of the boys my thoughts about killing myself. I hadn't told them how I felt crazy now and that everything was my fault. I don't feel like everything is my fault its just I feel like it partically is.

I dug around in my backpack for the painkillers I started to take them one by one, putting them into my mouth and swallowing hard to make sure they went down. I then went to my bunk and laid there on the floor with the bottle close to me and a note saying how sorry I was...

Lukes Pov*

We were walking back to the bus now it was after the concert. I really hope Jen is okay. She has been so distant lately and its kind of scaring us all. I ran up the steps the rest of the boys had stayed to sign autographs as they walked and accpect gifts. Someone else can get my gifts I don't need them. All I need is to know that the beautiful girl on our tour bus is okay. That and maybe that she loves me back. I know I like just met her but I mean I think I love her. I get this feeling like were ment to be I have never felt this with anyone else in my life. I don't know what this feeling is but I am like 99% sure its love.

As I ran up the steps and called Jenna's name no answer. Maybe she went to sleep? I walked by the bunks she was playing music on her phone holding a pill bottle and holding a note. NO! NO NO!

"JENNA!" I screamed at the top of my lungs making her drop the pill back into the container. I am pretty sure the lads heard me. I looked to see how many pills were so post to be in the bottle. 15 pills and there are 3. Did she take them all together or has she taken them like she was so post to? (did she like take them over time?) I looked into her eyes and I could see they were bloodshot. Shit.

"Jenna please please tell me that your just taking one and that there was 3 in it when you opened it and you want us to run and get you more." I said Ashton was now on the Bus I threw him my phone with the number for an ambulance to come on. I gave him the gesture to talk and to someone cause I am pretty sure we are going to need one.

"I-I am a mistake. I-I shouldn't be here Lu-Luke." She cried and started to choke. I had to lean her over so she could spit onto the floor. At this point I didn't care I just don't want her to die. Please don't die


"Jenna please look at me. How many did you take?" I asked and had tears pouring down my eyes Calum and Mikey made there way onto the bus after storing gifts. Ashton was still on the phone. Cal ran and told the bus driver to stay. Michael soon took the seat beside Jenna.

"13." She stated. The bottle was only so post to have 15. I groanded loudly and started to use swear words. Michael looked at me and thats when Jenna started to 'fall asleep'

"No Jenna you gotta stay awake. S-stay with me please. Squeeze my hand p-please." I was crying harder now. We could now hear the sirens of the ambulance. Jenna's hands were cold she fell lifelss into my and all I could do was hold the body of the girl I love close to me and cry.

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