Chapter 19: What did you just say? Normal Haha No!

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Jenna's P.O.V*

I woke up an did my morning retuine. I started to play The Wanted. I knew that made the boys upset a little bit but, come on here me out. I listen to them all the time. So really not that bad right? I mean come on guys really would you want to listen to them if you lived with them? Probably not.

I woke up and went downt the hall way. I figured Harry was using the hallway bathroom or he left the water on again because I was only getting cold water. I knocked on the door. No answer. Thats weird.. I pressed my ear up against the door. Yup, water running but no answer what the hell? I slowly cracked the door open. No one was in their. I looked around once more then shut the water off. I heard a door slam. I thought that I was the only one up. Oh no. I ran down the hallway to were my room was the door was locked shut.

"Guys this isn't funny!" I screamed loudly and hit the door then screamed because my hand hurt really bad. Harry stepped out and pulled me into the room hugging me tightly. I cried into his chest being the baby that I was.

"I don't think its broke Jen. I think you may have bruised it though." Harry spoke softly in my ear and I just nodded. He sighed got up said he was sorry and left the room. I sighed and went and knocked on everyone's door expect Harry's since he was down in the kitchen now cooking. I knew where Harry was. He always seemed to be in the kitching cooking.

"Jenna why the fuck are you getting us up this fucking early!" Zayn shouted at me. For being my 'best friend' Zayn surely wasn't a morning person. Even at noon he wasn't a 'morning' person.

"B-Because Harry m-made me hurt my hand.." I mumbled softly. Zayn looked at my hand and sighed, gave it a kiss, then went back into his room. He slammed the door on my face. Niall wasn't speaking to me either this morning. That was the odd part of my monring. Liam, on the other hand, was blabbering away about his date with some girl. It felt like everyones roles had been switched expect mine. I felt really uncormfortable.

I looked at the clock on the wall. I watched the seconds hand got around and around for a good 5 minutes until my mum made here way down stairs. My mum was so beautiful. Mum had told one day I would be as pretty as her. What a joke that is. I am adopt. I honestly don't know who I look like..

I felt this sudden erge like I was going to vomit. I ran to the bathroom where I threw up the contence that was in my stomach. After throwing up I sat on the floor breathing heavily worried I would throw up again. I was praying in my head that none of the lads or my parents would come in here. I just stood up and brushed my teeth. I went and picked out new close to wear and sighed. I though about of everything that happened in my life. The more I think of my childhood and the time I remember this little boy.He wasn't much older them. I actually think he was my age.

"Jenna are you okay?" My father ask me as I am sitting on the floor again.

I look up at him and nod. "Yeah dad I am fine. I was just thinking." I spoke some truth it may not have all been truth but a majority of what I said was the truth. I thought of Niall and this boy.

"oh well uh. our opening act for the upcoming tour is coming over.. Me and El, we were uh wonder if you'd like to meet them." My father looked at his feet nervously. I had never seen him like this.

"um yeah I'll meet them I guess I'll have to eventually won't I? I will kind of have to deal with them won't I?" I asked quizically.

"Yeah." My father mumbled something that I partically understood, "You'll be on a bus with them." My eyes almost buldge out of my head.

"I AM GOING TO BE WHAT!?" I screamed that got almost everyone upstairs and 4 boys that I didn't know even came up asking if we were okay.

My father moved behind the 4 boys I didn't know and smiled at me. "Michael,Luke,Calum,Ashton, meet Jenna my adoptive daughter. She will be riding on your bus during the tour." This caused alot of akward silence which made me groan. No one knew. Only Liam knew my secret. I don't know how long I can hide this. 'Maybe I won't have to' I mentally said. With that the one direction boys left us. It was just me,Michael,Calum,Luke,and Ashton upstairs.

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