Chapter 40: Chasing Broken Dreams

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Jenna's P.O.V***

Alex has left to go where ever she needs to go. I feel really bad for Mikey. He is such a wreck. She has apologized over and over again to me on the phone. It makes no difference though, she hurt my best friend and I may never be able to. Mikey said he doesn't want me to stop being friends with her just because they didn't work out. I told Mikey that if they didn't work out I don't think that me and her couldn't work out as friends.

Luke though on the other hand has been equally as bad. Now that I am allowed to sleep in my room, Unattended that is. Luke wakes up with these nightmares. Ashton came and got me up one night, I went straight up to the room. Calum was holding Luke close as Luke cried into his chest sobbing quiet loudly. Mikey some how managed to sleep through this. I don't understand how that boy could sleep through something like this. Ashton said Luke was screaming and it took a lot to wake up him. Luke refuses to talk about the nightmares other then bad things happen in these nightmares. He promises me usually after words that he won't let it happen to me. I will stare at him for a few moments before nodding. I can't help but wonder about his nightmares. Ash thinks its something to do with me. Calum is voting on the baby. I don't know and I try not to let myself think to much into the matter.

"Lets go out tonight." I said laying on the floor beside Luke's bed.

He asked me to sleep upstairs with them tonight. Ashton's rule was no funny business up in the boys room so I had to sleep on the floor. Luke offered like a gentlemen to sleep on the bed. While all the boys refused to let him and said they would gladly give up a bed then never did. So here I lay on the floor.

"What?" He said and rolled over propping himself up on his elbow looking down at me.

"Lets go out. Ash will be up in a few minutes and crash like a child saying they are going to stay up and watch Santa." I smile and tug on my blanket pulling it up.

"Do you really wanna go out tonight?" He asked quite confused on why i'd want to go out tonight.

"Yes Luke come on please don't kill the vibe." I said and giggled softly and pulled the blanket up some more so you could only see my eyes.

"Okay." He said and rolled out of bed. He quietly went and changed clothes then laid back under the covers.

Ashton came in just as planned only with a monster and some chips. I looked at him in shock. I thought my eyes were tricking me. I rubbed my eyes a few times just to make sure they weren't tricking me.

"Is this the Ashton Irwin I know. Is he actually eating something NOT healthy for him?!" I asked and pointed to the monster and chips.

"Its all I could find downstairs. If you could kindly appoint me to were the other food is in this house I'd gladly eat healthy." He said stuffing a chip in his mouth. Luke tried to hold back a laugh making a weird noise. Ashton looked over at Luke's bed.

"He has been doing that on and off all night. I think he will be okay for a few minutes while I show you were the strawberries and other 'healthy' food is." I said and got up.

I took Ash's arm and went to the pantry. I opened the door and turned on the light. I pointed out most of the healthy stuff we had. We didn't have a good selection of fresh fruit in the first floor so I went down the basement floor. Ash was nervous about this I shrugged my shoulders and went down anyway. He used his phone as a flashlight mainly cause the light flickered then went out. I laughed at his immaturity.

"This house isn't haunted Ash." I said.

Then I remembed Harry stored some Halloween stuff down here. Next thing you know we ran into cob webbing. Ashton made it up the stairs in probably .2 seconds. I brought him up some blueberries and strawberries. He thanked me then went back into the kitchen. Calum walked down the stairs tiredly almost tripping over his feet. I guess Jet lag really does kill these boys. I smiled softly then Cal glared at me.

"You said you'd stay upstairs with him so he wouldn't have a nightmare. You lied." He said and went and hugged Ashton from behind. Ashton was now using the blender, trying to make a smoothie.

"I am going back up there Cal give me a few minutes to get upstairs."

"Well you might wanna hurry your arse up because he was panicking when I left." I groaned and ran upstairs.

Sure enough Luke had fallen asleep and was now wide awake in his clothes sobbing. He held me close to him and kept sobbing into my chest. He put a hand on my stomach and cried heavily soaking my shirt. I looked at him a little confused.

"Baby look at me." I said and put my hand under his chin.

"I-I am scared of loosing you guys. I-I." He started to choke on his sobs.

"Luke calm down. Baby you gotta calm down. You gotta talk to me. You gotta tell me what these nightmares are about. You gotta Luke. Your killing me by not talking and just sobbing and waking up with these nightmares its killing me luke." I said and wiped away his tears. He nodded solemnly.

"I keep having this dream of you in the hospital. Y-You have the baby and they are absoutely perfect but then its like it fast forwards and you hate me and we are arguing and I-I do something a-and th-the next part I see is your in a wreck and your gone and so is Lucas.. Y-You guys die and Lucas is holding onto the teddy bear we got him thats dressed up in a superman shirt from us and everything.. T-then the funeral is hell for me to watch and Its like I can't do anything and I can't stop it. I keep telling myself its not real. Its not real but it feels real and then Ash ends up cutting and mikey hates me cal blames me. Louis takes the babies and I never see them. I-Its horrible I-I. My mum Jen. My own mum hates me and disowns me but sh-she kept telling me its not my fault. I was chasing my dream and It was a broken dream. I-I don't want this dream to break a-and be like my nightmares I don't want to be chasing a broken dream like this. Cause it is broken." He finished sobbing.

He now looked very tired. Ash came up behind him and patted him on the back. He said something about being a real man and stuff i tried to block out. Was Luke really afraid of leaving me? Was he dreaming of nightmares because he was afriad of loosing me or was he paranoid about being a dad? I squeezed his hand reassuringly. I pecked his lips before Ash pointed out Luke wasn't wearing his Pajamas anymore.

I smirked softly, nodding to Luke to go put them on. I think Ash made and exception to his rule about us not being in the same night for one night. He let me sleep beside Luke. It was peaceful. Right before I fell asleep which I had thought Luke was asleep, he got out of bed and got infront of me. He moved the covers away slowly, He then kissed my stomach softly and said the words that I never thought were possible to me.

"Daddy loves you whoever you are and whoever you guys are going to be in this world. I love you wheather you are a football star, swimmer, ballerina, I will always be there for guys." he said and rubbed his thumb back and forth clamly before pulling the covers back over me. He laid back beside me and I listened to his soft snores.

"We love you too Luke Robert Hemmings." I whispered in his ear placing my head on his chest and falling asleep to his heartbeat.

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