Max and Harvey- How You Meet

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*Y/N's P.O.V*

I finally saved up some money to buy myself a guitar! Specifically an acoustic guitar. Right now my mom has left me at the guitar store with some extra money for the cafe down the street! She has work that she has to go to. 

I walk straight to the back, right to the guitars. Well, you see, we are living in the UK for my parents job! Off topic but had to make that clear. Anyways, I was looking at ALL of the guitars intensely until someone spoke up.

"You know, I recommend that guitar!" I look to where he was pointing to and see this beautiful black acoustic guitar!

"Thank you! It looks perfect!" I exclaim as I hug him. I notice what I did and back up. 

"Haha! No problem!" He smiles and chuckles. 

I take the guitar off the rack and walk to the counter with him following me.

After I paid for my new guitar, I turn to him and say, "Would you like to join me at the cafe down the street? It's the least I can do for you helping me. I would've spent hours trying to find a guitar." 

"Sure! I was actually wanting to get to know you some more." He said, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Well, first tell me your name, then we can go ahead and get to know each other more." I chuckle, grinning slightly.

"My name is Max. Max Mills."

"My name is Y/N. Y/F/N Y/L/N."

"Beautiful name. Now let's get going!" Max said, leading me to the cafe.

There we shared memories about each other, facts, and other random stuff! He even told me he has a twin brother named Harvey. 

I'm so glad I met Max.


*Y/N's P.O.V*

I was having a nice, relaxing time under my favorite tree at this small park, writing some stories on Wattpad, until a soccer ball (or football in the UK), hit me in the head.

(Again this is taking place in the UK, you moved here for a promotion your parents had gotten from work)

"I am so sorry! Are you ok! Are you hurt!" A boy who had the most amazing accent in the world, panicked. (Did that make sense? Welp, just know he's panicking.)

"Yes! Yes! I'm fine! I'm Y/N. You are?" 

"Oh! Harvey, Harvey Mills." Harvey said, sitting right next to me.

"Aren't you going to hang out with your friends? They are staring at us." I spoke up, breaking the silence and pointing to his friends.

"Wait here!" He exclaimed, getting up and running to his friends.

Few seconds letter he came back. 

"Now, I get to hang out with you. I'd rather be with you and get to know you more, rather than hanging out with my friends." Harvey rambled on. 

I giggled at his dorky personality while he blushed, smiling slightly.

"Want to maybe...oh I don't know...go out for lunch sometime?" He asked shyly.

" about now?" I ask, grinning at him.

"YES! YES! Let's go!" He exclaimed, helping me pack my things and bringing me to this nice little cafe.

He bought us drinks and food. Treating me like a princess! I think I could be falling for him...but we just met! 

Let's wait a little more and see where our new friendship will take us!  

A/N- Hey guys! I am going to be writing NEW imagine stories!!! This is one of them! For those who read my 5sos and 1D fights and imagines book then don't worry! I am still gonna write those stories! I just really want to write for those who love Max and Harvey, Dan and Phil, etc. Hoped you enjoyed and all the love! Also, I am starting to type up all my books on a computer, which actually is easier and faster for me to write and publish my stories! All the love! Bye!

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