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Hey...I am sorry about my time of not updating but things are happening in my life that is...hard.

I'm dealing with this guy. (I can trust you guys! I really love all of you!) And we broke up a while back...thing is I still like him and he is just...I don't know how to describe it. We still talk and stuff but tonight we got into conversation about our relationship...I was telling him all these things. I just want a second chance...the stuff about our break up is a bit personal but one day I will explain.

How do you deal with sadness? I am so broken and lost right now. I feel like a piece of me is gone. Not the guy! Well he is part of it. So many things in my personal life is happening that I feel like is too much! Don't worry. I am still writing your imagines! I just need help...a resolution...a new start. 2017 will hopefully be better. This book and my other imagine book really changed my passion for writing. I am so in love with writing I can't stop! Thank you guys so much...I love you guys...don't think I am ever going to take a hiatus! I promise I will update as soon as possible. Love you guys.

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