Max - Sweet/Jealous Imagine

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Requested by: @xXSuperNerdXx

*Sassy's P.O.V*

I was in my room, already dressed and ready for whatever I will be doing today.

I was fixing up my hair until I got a text from Max.

M- Max S- Sassy

M- Hey babe! Want to hang out for the day? The guys and I are making a video and I wanted you to be in this video. Plus the fans have been DYING to see you again!

S- Babe I don't know lmao

M- Pleeeeeeeease! For me! 

S- Oh alright. I'll be there in about a couple minutes.

M- Yay! Love you!!!

S- Love you too Max XD

*End of Convo*

I grabbed my purse and headed out of the house. 

Max and Harvey's house was just down the block so I walked over.

Once I got there, I knocked on the door and this guy who I have never seen before answered it.

"Oh! You must be Max's girlfriend he's always talked about. I'm Ethan." Ethan said, holding his hand out.

I  smiled and shook his hand.

"Yes I am. I'm Sassy." I said as I walked in.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you." Ethan said casually as I giggled.

"Oh hey babe." Max said as I turned around.

I noticed his jaw clenched as he walked over to me.

"Hey! You guys started filming yet?" I asked Max, but Ethan answered instead.

"Harvey and Dobby are starting up the camera."

I smiled and nodded.

Ethan smiled at me before walking back over to Harvey and Dobby.

Max tensed up a little.

I rubbed his arm and he calmed down a bit.

I smirked at him.

"Someone is jealous." I laughed.

Max scoffed and looked away.

"Oh stop! Come on, you know I love you and only you." I said, smiling as I lightly kissed his cheek.

"Good." Max chuckled as he took my hand and led me over to the kitchen.

There I saw their blender and all these different juices.

From apple juice, to grape juice, to pineapple juice.

"Ok! Everyone ready?" Harvey said.

"Yes!" We all said in unison.

Leo then started the camera and Max started the video.

I was in between Max and Ethan.

"What's up guys! It is Max and Harvey and today we are mixing up all this juice and creating this crazy new juice!" 

"Here with us today is Dobby, Ethan, and Max's special guest, his girlfriend Sassy." Harvey said.

We all waved and Ethan did something so stupid that just made me laugh.

Max was getting a little upset but he hid it well.

Not well enough for me though.

I decided to play along with this.

Max and Harvey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now