Harvey - Sweet Imagine

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Thank you puppiesforlife2003 for requesting! 

I woke up to a text from my boyfriend of one year, Harvey.

H- Harvey

L- Lizzie

H-Morning babe! Get ready for today, I have a whole day planned today! Max is gonna come over to give you something. Love you and happy one year xoxo

L- Morning babe and alright! See you soon love! Happy one year XoXo

*End of Convo*

I got out of bed and made it, going to the bathroom to freshen up.

Before Max came over, I invited my best friend to help me choose an outfit.

She chose this beautiful white dress that was floor length, but I was still able to walk around without tripping over the dress. I also wore some white pumps.

We still had to do my hair and make up, but Max came in!

"You're still getting ready?" Max chuckled.

Max came over to my best friend and kissed her on the cheek. (Yes! They are dating and they are sooo cute!)

My best friend smiled and handed Max a hair curler.

"Curl her hair, I will do her make up." She ordered.

I guess she taught him how to curl hair because Max did an AMAZING job!

In the end, my make up and hair looked AMAZING!!!

Max and my best friend smiled and complimented me.

I thanked them and gave them both a hug.

Max then gave me a letter.

I open it and it said:

"Love is old..."

Where did we first meet?

"We first met at school." I said, looking at Max and B/F/N (best friend's name).

Max smiled and nodded, "my dad is outside waiting for you. I already told your parents so you can head off! Have fun Lizzie." 

I smiled and thanked them again, heading outside and getting in Mr.Mill's car.

We drove off to the school and there I saw Leo with a note in his hand. I thanked their dad and got out of the car, walking over to Leo.

"You look so pretty! Here is another note." Leo said, handing me a note as I gave him a hug and thanked him.

I opened it and it said:

"Love is new..."

Where did I first told you that I loved you?

I thought for a second..."he first told me that he loved me at the small café we hang out at everyday after school!"

Leo smiles and we walk down the street to the cafe.

When we got there, we saw Tilly and their mum holding another note.

I greeted them and gave them both a hug.

Tilly handed me the note and it said:

"Love is all..."

Where did we have our first kiss?

I thought..."the beach!!!"

Their mum nodded and we all walked outside to see their dad outside.

Max and Harvey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now