Max and Harvey Imagine (Mainly Harvey)

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*Jayd's P.O.V*

So it's Valentine's Day! (It's really not but pretend XD)

I walked into first period and right on my desk I saw two letters.

I raised an eyebrow and picked them both up. I looked at both, and it both said anonymous on the front.

I thought it was some prank, so I didn't take it too seriously.

I was about to open one of the letters until I heard the sounds of bickering...

I chuckled when I noticed the familiar voices.

"I like her Max!" Harvey whined as he came in, not even noticing my presence.

"I like her too and I know she will love my le-" Max stops when he points behind Harvey.

They both stare right at me.

"Fighting over a girl again I see?" I joked, smirking at the two boys.

"Hehe...yeah." Harvey stutters, his eyes looking directly at the two letters in my hands.

*Ring Ring*

The bell rings and everyone is seated. I put the letters into my backpack, deciding to read it later.

The whole day goes by and all I heard was endless arguments.

I decided to walk home with Tom instead of them.

"Tom, do you have any idea why Max and Harvey are acting weird? All day they are fighting over some girl." I sighed.

To be honest, I had a little hint of jealousy over this girl.

I like Harvey. I've liked him for so long.

Tom knows that and he is the only one who knows.

"I know why, but I can't say." He chuckled lightly, looking down at me.

"Tom! Please!" I begged.

"Nope, anyways did you get anything for Valentine's Day?" He asked, changing the subject.

I pulled out the two letters and showed it to him.

"I haven't read them yet, but I am going to read them when I get home." I told him.

"I want to have a look!" Tom said, trying to grab one of them.

"Nope, just come over to my house and we can read them." I laughed.

He groaned and ran all the way to my house.

I shook my head and ran right behind him.

Tom and I were neighbors so our parents know each other.

We walked inside and took off our shoes.

"Hi mum! Tom is here!" I called out.

"Hi Tom," she greeted, "if you guys need anything just call me."

Tom and I nodded and went upstairs to my room.

We sat on my bed and opened up one of the letters.

Dear Jayd,

You are one of the most beautiful girls at school and I wanted to know if you would love to go out sometime? I've liked you for a while and I hope you like me back.


I smiled a bit by the sweet letter, but there was something about it that I just didn't like.

"That's all he has to say?" Tom blurts out.

I nudge him, chuckling.

"It's sweet. Lets read the next one." I said, opening up the letter.

Dear Jayd,

I don't want this to be really cheesy, but I just want to say, I've liked you for years now. I might even love you as crazy as it sounds. You have been by my side since day one. The day that I've met you, I knew you were the one. Words can't even describe how much you mean to me. You are sweet, caring, funny, down to earth, loving...I can just go on. You are one of my best friends and I've bene afraid to man up and ask you out. I don't want to ruin what we have...Ok I'm done being cringey. Happy Valentine's Day <3


I nearly had tears in my eyes.

I know who this was.

It was Harvey!

Tom smiled.

"Harvey truly likes you Jayd. So does Max but it's up to you to choose." He said.

"Lets go to their house right now." I said, Tom nodding.

We walked over and I noticed their parents were gone. Tilly and Leo weren't at home either since they had their after school activities.

We noticed the door opened a crack and we heard some shouting.

Tom walked inside first, I followed behind.

"I LOVE JAYD MAX! CAN'T YOU JUST STOP! " Harvey shouted.

"I LOVE HER TOO!" Max exclaimed.

" don' don't even know her as well as I do Max. Get that in your head. You barely even talk to her! You talk to her once in math and all of a sudden you like her? I've known her since we were little, and I have bonded with her, making our relationship stronger. " Harvey said, his words were powerful.

I walked in and my mouth was practically wide open.

"You guys were the ones who wrote me those letters today weren't you?" I asked.

They both looked over at Tom and I, nodding slowly.

"Jayd, I want you to choose. I am not going to force you to choose me...if you like Max...go to him." Harvey said, whispering the last part as he looked down.

I walked over to Max and I heard Harvey sniffle a little, as if he were going to cry.

"Max...I love you...but not in that way." I state, truthfully.

Max sighed but nodded, understanding.

"There is another girl who likes you though *cough cough* my best friend, Y/BF/N." I said, smiling.

He smiled back, hugging me as he ran to her house.

I turn to Harvey, he had his head in his eyes, still crying.

I sat down next to him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"I like you Harv." I whispered to him.

He turned to me, his eyes all wide.

"You like me too!" He said, his smile just making me feel warm inside.

I nod, giggling at his happiness.

He hugs me tight, "I'm so happy..."

"Lets go see if Max got the girl of his dreams." I tease.

Harvey laughs, takes my hand, and we ran to my bestie's house. 

Max and my friend got together and they are happy.

I got the guy of my dreams...Harvey.

I'm so happy we are together...

At first, I felt really bad for Max when I told him I only liked him as a friend, but I can't lie!

I'm happy everything is good.

Can't wait to see what will happen next!

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