Max - Sweet Imagine

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Requested by: @mandhoffical_ 

*Martina's P.O.V*

I was in Max and I's shared room, doing some last finishing touches for my make up.

"Mommy! When will Uncle Harvey and Auntie come!" Our daughter Kimberely shrieked, running into the room.

"Soon love." Max chuckled as he came in, all dressed in a suit.

What would I do without my husband and my daughter...

"YAY!" She cheered.

She ran back to the living room where she was watching some of Max and Harvey's old music videos from when they were in middle school.

Kimberely would sing along and dance around the room, smiling like crazy.

I was dressed in this:

I stood up and smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror

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I stood up and smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror.

Max stood there behind me, smiling as he walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I love your dress." He said, kissing my cheek softly.

I smiled and blushed a little.


I was in my room, fixing my hair as I listened to some music.

"You look amazing!" My friend, Y/F/N (your friend's name), said.

"Thanks. Ugh! I'm so nervous for our first date!" I whined as I finished brushing my hair.

She laughed as she gave me my shoes.

"Don't be. You and Max have been best friends since you two were in diapers. Why be nervous now? I should be the one nervous since Harvey and I aren't as close as you and Max." She said.

She did make a good point. This was a double date, too.

Thing is, Max and I were inseparable.

From when we were babies, to Harvey and him making their first ever cover. I was there for everything. 

I took one last look in the mirror and smiled.

I turned to my friend who was on her phone, laying flat on her stomach on my bed.

"Let me guess," I smirked, "Harvey?"

She looked up and blushed.

"I swear I saw you two holding hands earlier at school." I laughed as she playfully smacked my arm.

"We weren't! I don't know if he even likes me back. What if this is us just going as friends?" She pouted.

I grinned, little did she know he did like her back...A LOT.

*Ding Dong*

I jumped up and so did Y/F/N.

"I'm sure he likes you." I reassured her as we walked to the door.

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