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Hey guys! I'm so sorry I hadn't published in so long! Don't worry! I am still writing! Tomorrow, I'm getting my laptop taken away. I use my laptop from school! And since it's almost summer, I have to give it back. I will be continuing to write on my phone or my other laptop! AGAIN I'M SORRY! ALSO, THIS BOOK HIT 25K!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GOT THIS FAR! I am going to still upload my other fanfics BUT SLOWLY. I was thinking to also write The Outsiders and Ferris Bueller imagines. Like from the 80s! Do you guys know those movies? My favorite from the Outsiders is Ponyboy Curtis or Johnny Cade. Ferris Bueller is my ALL TIME FAVORITE from his movie, Ferris Bueller's day off. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed and ALL THE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Max and Harvey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now