Max and Harvey- Your First Date Together

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*Y/N's P.O.V*

Right now I'm getting ready for my first date with Max! We've been best friends for about two years now (long time I know!) and he finally asked me out. I have always had a thing for him, but never brought it up because I was scared it would ruin our friendship. 

I decided to wear a dress that comes a little above my knees, a little bit of make up, and wedges. 

*Ding dong*

He's here! 

I open up to see Max, dressed up! Not THAT romantic attire because he knows how much I don't like fancy things.

"Hey Y/ look amazing! Ready to go?" He asks, I sensed a hint of nervousness in his voice.

"Yeah!" I reply, excited to see what he has planned for today. 

We are really close, so I, as an instinct, linked arms with Max. I felt him tense up a bit but then he relaxed.

We got to the park where I see Harvey standing there in a suit and tie, in front of this blanket that was nicely set up.

I look at Max and see him blushing.

I giggle a little and hold his hand.

He looks down at our hands and smile. He leads me over to the blanket and once I sat down, Max grabbed his guitar and started singing 'Treat You Better' (by Shawn Mendes), Harvey as his back up singer.

I smiled at Max, watching my best friend sing. He knows that is one thing I loved about him. We both really love music, so it's a passion we both share.

Once the song was finished, Harvey jogged, I believe back to their house, and Max sat down next to me. 

"Max! Did you set this picnic up?" I asked, in awe of how beautiful it was set up.

"No...Tilly and Leo wanted to help so they did this for me. Harvey helped too." Max chuckled.

"Aw! Tilly and Leo are so cute!" I said.

We started to eat the food Harvey has made, and let me tell you it was good!

After I was done, I look over at Max and see he is fumbling with his fingers. I know him too well. He's hiding something.

"Max, you've been nervous this whole time. What's wrong?" I asked, a hint of worry in my voice.

"Um...well...Iwanttogooutwithyou." Max said, so fast I didn't understand what he said.

"Max! Slow down! You know you can tell me anything!" I said, trying to calm him down. 

"Ok...Y/N. We've been best friends for about two years now and...I really like you. Will you maybe be my girlfriend?" He asks slowly this time. I'm taken back, but I nod.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Max." I said, happily as I hugged him. 


*Y/N's P.O.V*

I woke up to a soft knock at my room door.

"Come in." I groan, I honestly hate mornings.

I look up and see my best friend, Harvey, come in. 

"Sorry! I know you don't like waking up early!" Harvey apologizes. 

"No it's fine! I needed to walk up anyways." I chuckled.

Harvey nodded and sat on my bed, looking PRETTY nervous. 

"Hey, you ok?" I asked, we are very close so whenever we see each other sad or down, we always help out each other. 

"Huh? Oh yeah! Um, I was wondering why not head out to the cafe for a bit." He spoke up, in what seemed to be a rush.

"Oh, uh sure! Let me get ready!" I exclaim, getting up and getting ready.

Once I was ready, we left for the cafe. There, he was even worse. He was so worried he couldn't keep up with what I was saying.

"Ok, Harvey, what's up." I asked, a little annoyed.

"IREALLYLIKEYOUOK!" He nearly shouted, and said in such a hurry.

Thankfully the cafe was to jam packed for anyone to hear.

" like me?" I ask in shock.

He nodded slowly, looking at me with embarrassment plastered on his face. 

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner! It's ju-" I cut him off by saying, "Harvey! I like you too."

He looks at me, shocked. 

"Will you be my girlfriend Y/N?" He asks, you just smile and nod.

That truly was the best day of your life.

I am so sorry that was terrible! I will try and think up of better ideas! Hope you enjoyed! All the love! Next one will definitely be a fight imagine.

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