Max and Harvey Imagine

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Requested by:  @ilovemaxmills 

*Abbey's P.O.V*

I was packing to go on a holiday for a whole week!

I had two full cases of clothes and things I needed.

My family and I jumped in the car and we soon drove off to this beautiful resort.

Once there, I took out my luggage and we walked inside to get our room key.

I was sitting in the little lounge area and there I saw two boys, twins actually, who were messing around with a couple of their friends.

I couldn't stop looking at them, but when one of the twins looked at me, I immediately looked down at my phone. I was scrolling through Instagram until someone tapped my shoulder.

I looked up and was greeted by the twins.

My heart was racing because they were pretty darn cute.

"Hello! I'm Max and this is Harvey. We were wondering if maybe you would like to hang out with us. Walk through the town a bit." The hazel eyed boy offered.

I smiled and nodded.

"I would love to ! Let me ask my parents." I said, leaving my phone and purse with them as I  pulled my luggage over to my parents.

I begged them so much to where I pulled the puppy dog eyes out on them. 

Eventually they let me go and I thanked them.

I ran back over to the boys and grabbed my purse and phone.

"Lets go!" Max cheered.

I smiled and we all walked out of the hotel and straight to a candy shop.

We walked inside and bought all sorts of sweets.

We then walked over to the local beach, found a nice spot, and sat down.

"So tell me something about you guys." I asked them.

"Well, I'm Harvey and that's Max. We love to sing and well we are pretty funny." Harvey laughed, not really knowing what to say.

I laughed but then stopped.

"Wait, Max and Harvey! I've seen a couple of your videos! You guys are really good." I said, smiling.

They smiled and thanked me.

"What about you?" Max asked me, a little curious to know more about me.

I told them a mini summary on my life.

They listened the whole way through.

Max pulled out his ukulele from his case he was carrying around and started to play a couple tunes.

Harvey started singing, then Max, and then I joined in.

We all laughed when Harvey's voice cracked.

Max and I harmonized and Harvey stopped singing and video taped us.

We were singing Havana (by Camila Cabello) and our harmonies sounded perfect.

Harvey smiled and posted the video to social media.

We watched it and I was mesmerized.

I really never heard my vocals on a recording or video.

"You sound beautiful Abbey." Max beamed, smiling over at me.

I blushed and thanked him.

We noticed it getting late and went back to the hotel.

"Lets go out for a swim!" Harvey suggested.

Him and Max already were wearing swim trunks, I on the other hand had to go back to the room and get my clothes.

Max and Harvey waited for me outside my hotel room.

Once I got my stuff, we went downstairs and straight to the indoor pool.

No one was around so we had it all to ourselves.

There were slides and all these cool things there.

Max and Harvey simply took off their shirts while I went to the bathroom to get changed.

I walked back and noticed Harvey in the water but Max was no where to be seen.

All of a sudden I felt arms wrap around me and I was lifted in the air.

"Max!" I shrieked.

Max laughed and jumped in the water with me in his arms.

I swam up to the surface for air, and when Max came up to the surface, I immediately splashed him with water.

Max shrieked as I laughed, swimming away from him.

Soon, both of our families came out to the pool and I guess they have already chatted.

Max and Harvey's little brother and sister soon came into the pool and started to have fun.

Max caught up to me and tickled me.

I laughed and begged for him to stop.

Max laughed and hugged me tight.

"Lets go on that slide!" I said, pointing to this big blue slide.

Max nodded, grabbed my hand and we ran to the slide.

Yes, we aren't allowed to run at pools but no one was there to stop us!

We went down all the slides and I had a blast.

Throughout my stay at the hotel, Max, Harvey, and I became close friends. Even though we only met a couple days ago.

I felt like I could just trust them with anything. That's how close and how much we have bonded.

When it was time to say goodbye, it was bittersweet.

Max, Harvey, and I exchanged numbers and followed each other on social media.

The drive home, there were a few tears that were shed. I was really going to miss those guys.

When we got home, I went to my room and unpacked my stuff, getting settled in.

*Ding  Dong*

I heard the doorbell and answered it.

I opened it up and saw...MAX AND HARVEY?

Tears welled up in my eyes as I hugged them both.

"I really missed you guys. Even though it's only been hours since we last saw each other." I laughed, pulling away from the group hug.

"We missed you too." Harvey beamed.

They came inside and we just relaxed. Singing songs, watching shows, and eating loads of candy.

Little did I know......they just lived two houses down from me...

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