Max and Harvey- How He Asked You Out

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A/N- I messed up a lot on the point of view on the last one XD Sorry about that! This one will be in your P.O.V.! Which one is better? Third point of view or first person (meaning your P.O.V)

*UNEDITED* (Sorry I don't always edit it! I just wanted to get this chapter up ASAP for you guys!)


*Y/N's P.O.V*

I was putting on my clothes since Max wanted to tell me something! I had no idea what to wear...

I'm so nervous and I really want to impress Max! I really like him...but I'm scared he doesn't like me back.

*Convo With Harvey*

Harvey and I are really close

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Harvey and I are really close. He is like an older brother I never had! I tell him my secrets and almost everything. (A/N- READ THE AUTHOR NOTE AT THE END! I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!)

*Harvey's P.O.V*

I told my mum that I was going over to Y/N's house for a short visit because she needed help with something. My mum gladly said yes but I knew I made a bad choice of asking in front of MAX.

Max loves Y/N. He really wants to ask her out and when I asked my mum, I saw Max tensing up.

I turn around and run to the front door to grab my shoes. Max comes over and pins me up to the door by my shirt.

"Why in the world are you going to Y/N's house? Her and I have a da- I mean we are hanging out in a few." Max said through gritted teeth, angry.

I gulp and start sweating.

"Fine...don't go and I swear if you try hitting on Y/N you are going to wish you never went over to her house." Max said angrily.

What is up with him! I don't like Y/N! I like her as a sister. I know darn well he likes her too. He just denies it.

I grab my coat and shut the door. Walking over to her house.

*Y/N's P.O.V*

There is a knock at my door and I open it to see Harvey looking awful.

"Harvey! What happened?" I asked worried.

Harvey laughs and says, "Max and I got in a fight. He is crazy."

I giggle and sigh at the thought of Max. Max is just so....snap out of it Y/N! You can think of him later.

"Ok! Let's get to choosing your outfit!" Harvey cheers.

I laugh and we run upstairs to my room.

It took a while but we chose:

It took a while but we chose:

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