Max- Sweet Imagine

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Thank you MillsPatrice02 for requesting this for your friend! Her friend, also named Patrice, has cancer. I want to tell you guys that I will take ANY request! It can be for anyone. Like how she requested this for her friend, Patrice. I really care about you guys and I am so happy you guys love reading my book. This inspires me to write more! Also, Patrice, I am praying for you and I know with hope, a positive mind , laughter, and can defeat anything. Yes, it may seem weird that those things can help defeat anything since, heck, you can't laugh when fighting someone or something physically, but mentally. Man, you can do the impossible and fight anything. Just know, your friend Patrice, everyone who is close to you, me, and possibly the community that is reading this right now is here for you and is praying for you. Keep your head held high and NEVER think negative. Think about the positive things! If you are close to thinking something negative, block it out with something positive. OK! Onto the story! I just really wanted to say those things. Sorry if it was long and just filled with random advice...I just really love helping people so I hope that my advice was good. NOW ONTO THE STORY!!! 

*Patrice's P.O.V*

I sat in bed, watching some of my friends musical.lys.

Max and Harvey...

I really thought we would never forget each other but sadly...they did. I will never forget them


(Third person)

Max, Harvey, and Patrice were sitting down at the cafe. Talking and laughing away.

The three were inseparable.

"You guys really have become popular on!" Patrice said, smiling.

Max and Harvey chuckled and thanked her.

"Patrice, you really are awesome." Max said as Patrice blushed a little.

"We also have something to tell you..." Harvey said, sadness plastered on his face.

Patrice looked worried but nodded.

"Since we got "famous", we won't be able to hang out as much...." Harvey said.

Patrice looked at the both of them, tears welling up in her eyes.

"B-but we can still hang out and text...right?" She asks, her voice cracking a bit.

Thing is...she didn't ever want to lose them. She was sick...really sick. She wanted to tell them that she was getting really sick but she didn't want to worry them. Them becoming famous could be a good start to their possible career and she didn't want to ruin it in any way.

"Of course! We will never forget about you Patrice..."

*End Of Flashback*

My sickness got was cancer...

Thank goodness the doctors caught it early and started giving me treatment.

I laid down in my bed, looking at the ceiling, starting to cry at the fact my best friends possibly forgot about me.

We just started drifting apart after their fame started taking off.

I went to sleep, crying my eyes out before closing my eyes.





I woke up to my mom lightly shaking me a bit and smiling.

"Yes mom?" I asked as I yawned.

"Sorry sweetie, but I emailed those two boys you like? Max and Harvey? What ever their names are, they said they would love to come visit you!" She said smiling, "They are coming tomorrow." 

Max and Harvey ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now